

Free Version

You may install and use Timeline Software anytime on any number of computers. The Free Version has no time limits and license key activation is not required. The Free Version has limited access to features and contents. Cancelling your paid subscriptions will revert your copy of Timeline Software to the Free Version.

Personal Subscription

You may install, activate and use one (1) copy of Timeline Software. License keys must be activated in a computer where the usage is predominantly from a single personal user.

Professional Subscription

You may install, activate and use two (2) copies of Timeline Software. License keys must be activated in computers where the usage is predominantly from a single user.

Multiple user activations related to a professional subscription must be used for illustrative and educational purposes within institution and institution-related activities. Multiple user activations are reusable for the period of subscription validity.

Perpetual Subscription

You may install, activate and use two (2) copies of Timeline Software. You shall not use Timeline Software on more than one computer at the same time. The perpetual subscription grants a non-expiring lifetime license to use the software. It also grants software updates and customer support for 5 years.

Timeline Files Terms of Use

Timeline Software is used to open and navigate our free and premium files in the Timeline List. Terms and Conditions of Timeline Software apply to the use of our Timeline Files.

Free Version & Personal

You may freely navigate and change settings and parameters of Timeline Files within the Timeline Software framework that best suit your needs to enjoy your user experience. You may extract using “Save as Picture”, “Export As” and “Print” for your personal use. You may distribute non-significant parts, up to 10% of each Timeline File contents, according to the principles of “fair use” in copyright law.

Professional, Multiple User Activations & Perpetual

In addition, you may internally distribute for illustrative and educational purposes within an institution, up to 120 print or digital copies per license, per year, in whole or in part of each Timeline File. The number of digital copies may be determined by the number of users with granted access to the resource. For the perpetual subscription, distribution rights extend for a period equal to the support included in the subscription.

Distribution Rights

Distribution rights are granted for hard-copy renditions or static electronic Timeline File images that are distributed with proper metadata and source/copyright attribution. Distribution or commercial use of Timeline Files is at no time permitted, except with express written permission by Occasionally, additional terms may accompany and apply to specific Timeline Files.

Extended Distribution Permissions

For extended distribution permissions, please, contact us at [email protected]


Last Updated: Feb 2022