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Belgian Liege gunmakers
(Seven volumes by alphabetical order - hardbound books)

Belgian Liege gunmakers
Volume 1

Belgian Liege gunmakers
Volume 2

Belgian Liege gunmakers
Volume 3

Belgian Liege gunmakers
Volume 4

Belgian Liege gunmakers
Volume 5

Belgian Liege gunmakers
Volume 6

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Most recent publications

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Lefaucheux revolver Model 1854 explained

Colt New Line revolvers explained

Enfield no 2 revolver explained

Colt Woodsman Huntsman explained
Price : 7.95 US $
Click here to download

Mechanical of the Colt Government pistol
Price : 8.50 US $
Click here to download

Lefaucheux revolver Model 1854 explained
Price : 7.95 US $
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Colt New Line revolvers explained
Price : 7.95 US $
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Enfield no 2 revolver explained
Price : 7.95 US $
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Ebooks on the Luger Pistol

Luger mechanical features
by Gerard Henrotin

DWM Lugers
by Gerard Henrotin

Luger pistol producers : Mauser DWM ERFURT Vickers ...
by Gerard Henrotin

Luger pistol models - ebook
by Gerard Henrotin

lumacov.jpg (37882 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin

Luger Mechanical Features
price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content
The DWM Lugers
price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content
The Luger Producers
price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content
The Luger Models
price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content

Luger Accessories
price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content

Ebooks on the Colt Firearms

Covco80.jpg (32990 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin

Small caliber Colt pistols - Woodsman ...
by Gerard Henrotin

Colt Model 1911 and prototypes
by Gerard Henrotin

Colt 1911A1 pistol explained - ebook
by Gerard Henrotin

cov1903.jpg (37489 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin

Post 80 Colt Pistols
price :
7.95 US $
Click here to download
Ebook's content

Small caliber Colt Pistols
price :
6.95 US $
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Ebook's content

Colt 1911 & early prototypes
price :
6.95 US $
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Ebook's content

Colt 1911 A1

Price :
5.95 US $
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Ebook's content

Colt 1903 Hammerless
price : 7.95 US $

Click here to download
Ebook's content

c1900co.jpg (38047 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin
Full automatic conversion for Browning pistols
by Gerard Henrotin
NScover.jpg (27889 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin
borchar.jpg (35824 octets)

borchar.jpg (35824 octets)

Early Colt Pistols
Models 1900-1902-1903

Price :
7.95 US $
Click here to download
Ebook's content
Full-Auto Conversion For Browning Pistols
price :
7.95 US $
Click here to download
Ebook's content
Colt New Service Revolver
Price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content
Mechanical of the
Colt Pocket Hammerless

Price : 7.95 US $
Click here to download
Ebook's content
Colt Mustang explained
Price : 6.95 US $

Click here to download
Ebook's content

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colt new line

borchar.jpg (35824 octets)

cohunten.jpg (35824 octets)

SFS (Safety Fast Shooting) device for
Colt pistols

Price : 5.95 US $
Click here to download

Colt New Line revolvers explained
Price : 7.95 US $
Click here to download
Mechanical of the Colt Government pistol
Price : 8.50 US $
Click here to down

Colt Woodsman Huntsman explained
Price : 7.95 US $
Click here to download

Ebooks on FN - Browning Firearms

fn1903E.jpg (30849 octets)

borchar.jpg (35824 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin

FN High Power pistol explained - ebook

borchar.jpg (35824 octets)

FN pistol model 1903

Price : 7.95 US $
Click here to download
Ebook's content

The FN "Baby" pistol explained
Price :
6.95 US $
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Ebook's content

The FN High Power Explained
Price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content

SFS (Safety Fast Shooting) kit for
Hi-Power pistol explained

Price : 5
.95 US $
Click here to download

FN Browning 1910 - 1922 Ebook fn1906cov.jpg (38675 octets) 1900cover.jpg (31057 octets) FN FAL rifle explained
FN Browning pistols
1910 & 1922

Price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content
FN Pistol
Model 1906

Price :
5.95 US $
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Ebook's content
FN Model 1900

Price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content
The FN FAL Explained
Price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content

Ebooks on German firearms

Walther P38 explained - ebook
by Gerard Henrotin

c96cov1.jpg (36716 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin

covermp.jpg (41297 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin

maus14.jpg (36886 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin

wal4cov.jpg (36545 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin

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The Walther P-38

Price :
8.50 US $
Click here to download
Ebook's content

The Mauser C96 Explained
price :
8.95 US $
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Ebook's content

The German Submachine Guns
price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content

Mauser Pistols
Models 1910-14-34

Price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content

Walther Model 4
Pistol Explained

Price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content
The Borchardt pistol explained
Price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content

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Walther PP pistol explained
Price : 7.95 US $
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Ebooks on other semi-auto firearms of various makes

borchar.jpg (35824 octets)

steyren.jpg (29106 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin

covcz27.jpg (29871 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin

Lahti pistol
by Gerard Henrotin

nambcov.jpg (40569 octets)

pistols explained

Price : 7.95 US $
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Ebook's content
Steyr Pistol 1912

Price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content

CZ-27 pistol

Price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content

Lahti Pistol

Price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content

Nambu Type 14 Pistol Explained
Price :
7.95 US $
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Ebook's content
borchar.jpg (35824 octets) Spanish Ruby pistol explained - ebook
by Gerard Henrotin
Full automatic conversion for Browning pistols
by Gerard Henrotin
tokacover.jpg (34202 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin
borchar.jpg (35824 octets)
French MAB D pistol explained
Price : 7.95 US $
Click here to download

Spanish Ruby

Price :
6.95 US $
Click here to download

Full-Auto Conversion For Browning Pistols
price :
7.95 US $
Click here to download

Soviet Military Pistols
Tokarev & Makarov
price :
6.95 US $
Click here to download

Pieper Bayard Model 1908 pocket pistol explained
Price :
7.95 US $
Click here to download
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borchar.jpg (35824 octets)

borchar.jpg (35824 octets)

borchar.jpg (35824 octets)

CZ-52 (VZ-52) pistol explained
Price : 7.95 US $
Click here to download
Nambu Type 94 pistol explained
Price : 7.95 US $
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CZ-45 pistol explained  
Price :
6.95 US $
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CZ-38 pistol explained 
Price :
6.95 US $
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CZ-70 (VZ-70) pistol explained
Price : 7.95 US $
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borchar.jpg (35824 octets)

borchar.jpg (35824 octets)

Hungarian Femaru M37 pistol explained
Price : 6.95 US $
Click here to download

Clement model 1909 pistol explained
Price : 7.95 US $
Click here to download

Ebooks on revolvers of various makes

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couver02.jpg (9358 octets)

NScover.jpg (27889 octets)

Knowledge of the French service revolver Model 1873
Price :
7.95 US $
Click here to download

Webley Service Revolvers
Price :
8.95 US $
Click here to download

E. Lefaucheux
7mm pinfire revolver explained

Price : 7.95 US $
Click here to download

The Nagant revolvers
price :
7.95 US $
Click here to download

Colt New Service Revolver
Price :
7.95 US $
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steyren.jpg (29106 octets)

pinrev.jpg (44609 octets)

NScover.jpg (27889 octets) pinrev.jpg (44609 octets)

Smith & Wesson
"tip-up" revolvers  explained

Price : 7.95 US $
Click here to download

Swiss revolver
Model 1882

Price :
7.95 US $
Click here to download
Pinfire Revolvers

Price :
7.95 US $
Click here to download
Iver Johnson
Top Break Safety Automatic Revolvers

Price :
7.95 US $
Click here to download
French Service
Revolver Mod. 1873-74

Price :
7.95 US $
Click here to download
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borchar.jpg (35824 octets)

borchar.jpg (35824 octets)

"Bulldog" revolvers explained
Price : 7.95 US $
Click here to download
Nagant revolver Model 1878
Price : 7.95 US $
Click here to download

Enfield no 2 revolver explained
Price : 7.95 US $
Click here to download

Lefaucheux revolver Model 1854 explained
Price : 7.95 US $
Click here to download

Ebooks on other firearms

pinrev.jpg (44609 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin

pinrev.jpg (44609 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin

borchar.jpg (35824 octets)

boxlocen.jpg (36455 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin

c1900co.jpg (38047 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin

PScover.jpg (31247 octets)
by Gerard Henrotin

Percussion & Pinfire

Price :
7.95 US $
Click here to download
The Pinfire Pepperbox explained
Price :
7.95 US $
Click here to download

French Flintlock &
Early Firearms Explained
Price : 7.95 US $
Click here to download

The Boxlock Pistols
pinfire & percussion

Price :
7.95 US $
Click here to download

Model 94

Price :
7.95 US $
Click here to download
AIMED Point Shooting
price :
4.95 US $
Click here to download

borchar.jpg (35824 octets)

borchar.jpg (35824 octets)

Belgian poacher's gun explained
Price :
6.95 US $
Click here to download

Squires Bingham Model 20
carbine explained

Price : 5.95 US $
Click here to download



spitcov.jpg (37662 octets)
The British Sten  explained
Click here to download


cover3.jpg (20836 octets)
The Savage 1907 Pistol
  Click here to download

Revive your antique guns - Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (7, 9 & 11/12mm)

Prices list for pinfire calibers - User manual for pinfire calibers

IMG3003.jpg (20845 octets)

Rimfire reloading kit

32 RF - 38 RF - 41 RF reloading kits and components prices - User manual for rimfire calibers

French hardbound books
Les pistolets ColtLes Pistolets Colt - 100 ans de production
This volume, published in 1998 is the second work relating to firearms written by the Belgian author G�rard HENROTIN.  As in his first title issued in 1996 : "La Connaissance du Luger", it includes a great variety of technical pictures, drawn from the infographic technology. This ultra-modern process, used for the first time at this level in the firearms literature, allows to reach one of the most difficult goal : the close understanding of the firearms mechanical operation. All the illustrations of this site are stemming from the same graphical craft present throughout the book. Our long chapter in this site, relating to the Colt pistols will enlighten what kind of data you are supposed to find in this beautifully illustrated book. Not only you will learn how these handguns function, but you will get their complete historical background and various markings explanations. A one of its kind book, that leaves the reader with a feeling of great satisfaction. In the index below you will find some links to other pages with graphical illustrations.
Book content and how to order
couvertu.JPG (13697 octets)La Connaissance du Luger
This French book, published in 1996, is the first work of the Belgian author G�rard HENROTIN relating to firearms. It is probably as well the first book using at this level the infographical technologies in the firearms field. To fill that challenge, many competences had to be gathered to offer a technically reliable content in a modern and attractive form. These two objectives were reached to such an extend that the volume became de facto the French reference on this famous German pistol.

This book was written to give a clear understanding of the pistol and its background, but also to offer the demanding reader a true piece of art. You will find in our Luger section, some illustrations drawn from the book, which includes some 600 color drawings and 120 pictures.

Book content and how to order


Ebooks en langue fran�aise

Aussi disponibles sous Android pour appareil mobiles

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Publications les plus r�centes


Colt Woodsman Huntsman

lefaucheux 1854

lefaucheux 1854

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Woodsman Huntsman

Prix : 7,95 US $
Cliquez ici pour le charger

Pistolet Colt 1903
Hammerless  expliqu�

Prix : 5,95 US $
Cliquez ici pour le charger

Revolver Lefaucheux 1854 expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Colt New Line expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Revolver Enfield no 2 expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Pistolet Borchardt expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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pepcovfr.jpg (35816 octets)

swis82f.jpg (32546 octets)

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cov94fr.jpg (32141 octets)

Les pistolets � coffre
(broche et percussion)

Prix : 7,95 US $
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La poivri�re � broche

Prix : 7,95 US $
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Le revolver suisse mod�le 1882

Prix : 7,95 US $
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Le Pistolet Steyr 1912

Prix : 7,95 US $
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Le Pistolet FN 1900

Prix : 7,95 US $
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cov94fr.jpg (32141 octets) cov94fr.jpg (32141 octets) fngp.jpg (43047 octets) fngp.jpg (43047 octets) fngp.jpg (43047 octets)
Le Revolver Colt
New Service

Prix : 7,95 US $
Cliquez ici pour le charger
La Winchester
Mod�le 1894

Prix : 7,95 US $
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Le Pistolet Browning
FN 1906

Prix : 5,95 US $
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Les revolvers de service
Webley en calibre .455

Prix : 8,50 US $
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Le pistolet FN GP expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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10frcove.jpg (35728 octets) coverfr.jpg (16431 bytes) rubyfr.jpg (21992 bytes) falcofr.jpg (16843 octets) covc96fr.jpg (21024 octets)
Pistolets FN Browning
Mod�les 1910 & 1922

prix :
7,50 US $
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Le Walther P38

prix :
8,50 US $
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Le pistolet Ruby expliqu�
prix :
6,95 US $
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Le FN FAL Expliqu�
prix :
7,95 US $
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Le Mauser C96 Expliqu�
prix :
7,95 US $
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couv1873.jpg (6122 octets) couver02.jpg (9358 octets) boxlofr.jpg (36719 octets) pepcovfr.jpg (35816 octets) boxlofr.jpg (36719 octets)
Le Revolver R�glementaire Chamelot-Delvigne
Mod�le 1873

prix :
6,95 US $
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Les revolvers Nagant
prix :
6,95 US $
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Les accessoires du pistolet Luger
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Les revolvers � broche
(type Lefaucheux)

Prix : 7,95 US $
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Les Mod�les de
Pistolets Luger

Prix : 7,95 US $
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pepcovfr.jpg (35816 octets) pepcovfr.jpg (35816 octets)

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Pistolets Mauser 1910 - 1914 expliqu�s

Prix : 7,95 US $
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Revolvers Iver Johnson
� brisure expliqu�s

Prix : 7,95 US $
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Le pistolet CZ-27

Prix : 7,95 US $
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Le pistolet japonais
Nambu Type 14

Prix : 7,95 US $
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Les pistolets
Le Fran�ais expliqu�s

Prix : 7,95 US $
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fngp.jpg (43047 octets)

fngp.jpg (43047 octets)

fngp.jpg (43047 octets)

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Connaissance du revolver
fran�ais mod�le 1873

Prix : 7,95 US $
Cliquez ici pour le charge

Le Pistolet FN "Baby" expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Pistolet de poche
Pieper Bayard 1908 expliqu�

Prix : 7,95 US $
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Les armes � silex expliqu�es
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Les fusils de chasse
� percussion et � broche

Prix : 7,95 US $
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fngp.jpg (43047 octets)

fngp.jpg (43047 octets)

fngp.jpg (43047 octets)

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Les pistolets Luger

Prix : 7,95 US $
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Les producteurs du pistolet Luger
Prix : 7,95 US $
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La m�canique du pistolet Luger
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Le pistolet MAB D expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Smith & Wesson
Mod�les 1, 2 et 1 1/2

Prix : 7,95 US $
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Le revolver Lefaucheux
double action

Prix : 7,95 US $
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M�canique du pistolet
Colt pocket hammerless

Prix : 7,95 US $
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La m�canique du Colt .45 expliqu�e
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Revolvers de type "Bulldog"

Prix : 7,95 US $
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Pistolets Tokarev et Makarov

Prix : 7,95 US $
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Les pistolets Colt 1900

Prix : 7,95 US $
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Le revolver Nagant 1878 expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Les fusils pliants belges de braconnier expliqu�s
Prix : 6,95 US $
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La carabine Squires Bingham Mod. 20 expliqu�e
Prix : 5,95 US $
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Le syst�me SFS pour pistolet GP expliqu�
Prix : 5,95 US $
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pepcovfr.jpg (35816 octets)

fngp.jpg (43047 octets)

fngp.jpg (43047 octets)

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Les pistolets Colt de petit calibre expliqu�s
Prix : 6,95 US $
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Conversion full-auto pour pistolets Browning
Prix : 5,95 US $
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Pistolet Colt mod�le 1911 expliqu�
Prix : 5,95 US $
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Pistolet Colt mod�le 1911-A1 expliqu�
Prix : 5,95 US $
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Pistolet FN mod�le 1903 expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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fngp.jpg (43047 octets)

fngp.jpg (43047 octets)

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Pistolet Lahti expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Le pistolet mitrailleur MP40 expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Le pistolet CZ-70 (CZ-50) expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Le pistolet CZ-38 expliqu�
Prix : 6,95 US $
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Pistolet Walther PP - PPK expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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fngp.jpg (43047 octets)

fngp.jpg (43047 octets)

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fngp.jpg (43047 octets)

Pistolet Walther mod�le 4 expliqu�
Prix : 6,95 US $
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Le pistolet CZ-45 expliqu�
Prix : 6,95 US $
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Le pistolet Femaru M37 expliqu�
Prix : 6,95 US $
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Le pistolet CZ-52 expliqu�
Prix : 6,95 US $
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Kit SFS pour pistolets Colt Government
Prix : 4,95 US $
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fngp.jpg (43047 octets)

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Pistolets Colt apr�s 1980
Prix : 5,95 US $
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Pistolet Cl�ment 1909 expliqu�
Prix : 5,95 US $
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Pistolet Borchardt expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Revolver Enfield no 2 expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Colt New Line expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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lefaucheux 1854

lefaucheux 1854

Colt Woodsman Huntsman

Revolver Lefaucheux 1854 expliqu�
Prix : 7,95 US $
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Pistolet Colt 1903
Hammerless  expliqu�

Prix : 5,95 US $
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Woodsman Huntsman

Prix : 7,95 US $
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cover3.jpg (20836 octets)
Le pistolet Savage 1907
  Cliquez ici pour t�l�charger

  Apprendre sur les armes � feu ...
Les pistolets ColtLes Pistolet Colt - 100 ans de production
Non seulement vous apprendrez comment ces armes fonctionnent, mais vous apprendrez aussi dans quel contexte historique elles sont apparues et quelles sont les significations des nombreux marquages qu'elles portent. Un livre passionnant et instructif, pour des gens curieux qui d�sirent en savoir plus sur ces objets tabous.
Contenu du livre
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couvertu.JPG (13697 octets)La Connaissance du Luger
Le pistolet allemand cr�er par Luger, dans la vari�t� de ses mod�les, la profusion de ses marquages historiques, avec ses indiscutables qualit�s esth�tiques et m�caniques, cumule des atouts pour conserver sa place dominante dans le cercle mondial des collectionneurs et amateurs. Ce livre est fait pour vous donner une id�e claire de l'objet et de son contexte.
Contenu du livre
Commander chez l'�diteur


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cover3.jpg (20836 octets)
Le pistolet Savage 1907
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Liste des sujets trait�s

Pistolet Savage 1907 - U.S. Savage 1907 pistol
Le pistolet Savage 1907
Fonctionnement du pistolet Savage 1907
Animation du pistolet Savage 1907

E-livre gratuit : Fran�ais

CZ 27
CZ27 vu de droite
Historique du pistolet CZ27
Marquages / Production sous occupation
Fonctionnement et s�curit�s

Le Fran�ais
Pistolet LE FRANCAIS - French LE FRANCAIS 6,35 mm pistol
Pr�sentation du pistolet "Le Fran�ais"

Cl�ment 1909
Pistolet Clement 1909 - Belgian Clement 6,35 mm pistol

Les pistolets Cl�ment
D�montage du mod�le 1909
D�tails du m�canisme

Nambu type 14
Pistolet Japonais Nambu type 14 - Japanase Nambu type 14, 8 mm, pistol
Fabricants et marquages

Video :
Japanese Guns of WWII ~ VHS

Tokarev TT33
Pistolet Russe Tokarev TT33 - Russian Tokarev TT33, 7,62 mm, auto pistol

Les pistolets sovi�tiques
D�montage de campagne du TT-33
D�montage approfondi du TT-33
Caract�ristiques techniques du TT-33

Video :
The AK-47 ~ VHS

Roth Steyr 1907
Pistolet Autrichien Roth Steyr 1907 - Austrian Roth Steyr, 8mm, auto pistol

Historique de la firme Steyr
Karel Krnka - Georg Roth
Pr�sentation du Roth Steyr 1907

Lathi 35
Pistolet Suedois Lahti - Swedish 9 mm Lahti auto pistol

Historique du Lahti
Le Lahti su�dois
Fonctionnement (animation)
Acc�l�rateur de culasse
Syst�me de d�tente
Les s�curit�s

Mauser C96
Pistolet Mauser C96 - Mauser C96, 7,63 mm, auto pistol
Historique Mauser C96
Les variations du C96
D�montage de campagne

D�montage de la culasse
D�montage de la platine
Fonctionnement (1)

Fonctionnement (2)
La s�ret�
La d�connexion (avec animation technique)
Fonctionnement (animation)
Le num�ro de s�rie

Le mod�le "Schnellfeuer" ou 712
Fonctionnement du mod�le "Schnellfeuer
Video :
Guns of the Mauser ~ VHS

Astra 400
Pistolet Espagnol Astra 400 - Spanish Astra 400, 9 mm Largo, auto
Les premiers pistolets semi-automatiques espagnols
Historique de la firme Astra
D�montage de campagne

D�montage approfondi (1)
D�montage approfondi (2)

S�curit�s de l'Astra 400
Video :
German Small Arms Of WWII ~ VHS

Pistolet Makarov
Pistolet Russe Makarov - Russian Makarov, 9 Mak, auto pistol
Pr�sentation du pistolet Makarov
D�montage de campagne
D�montage de la glissi�re

D�montage de la carcasse
Fonctionnement (chambrage et percussion)
Fonctionnement de la d�tente

S�ret� du Makarov
M�canisme de d�connexion

 Armes � feu longues

fusil Comblain bronze - Belgian Comblian falling block rifleLe fusil belge Comblain
D�montage du fusil Comblain
Les diff�rents mod�les
Animation du fusil Comblain

Video :
The Early Guns ~ VHS

Stecher (Hair trigger)
double d�tente � stecher - Hair trigger mechanismPr�sentation du fusil analys�
D�montage des m�canisme
Fonctionnement du stecher

Fusils de chasse (shotguns)
Fusil de chasse - ShootgunsArmes de chasse � canons lisses
Fusil de chasse Lefaucheux
Fusil "Hammerless" Purdey-Anson
Verrouillage des fusils � bascule
Platine Holland & Holland

Livres fran�ais sur la CHASSE