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    Happy Days/ Fonzie Arthur Fonzarelli Old & Rare Statue
  • Status Discontinued
  • Qty
  • Price $703.64 USD
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1/6 Happy Days/ Fonzie Arthur Fonzarelli Old & Rare Statue

by Infinity Statue

$703.64 USD

This item is discontinued and is not expected to come back into stock.


This is a fully completed and painted figure.

Note: Due to the high value of this item, pre-payment is required upon placing your order, and cancellations will not be accepted.  

Infinity Statue adds the iconic Arthur Fonzarelli, a.k.a. "Fonzie," to their "Old & Rare" display statue lineup! Fonzie was the popular breakout character from the TV series "Happy Days," airing from 1974 to 1984; this display piece features "the Fonz" in his classic black leather jacket worn over a white T-shirt and blue jeans, standing at his ease next to the beloved jukebox from Arnold's Drive-In. To make this figure even better, the jukebox features a light-up gimmick and a built-in Bluetooth system that plays the famous theme song from the series! (The jukebox is operated by Android/IOS; a USB cable is included.) Order this unforgettable character for your own collection today!

  • [Size]: Approximately 34cm tall


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Note: Due to the high value of this item, pre-payment is required upon placing your order, and cancellations will not be accepted.  

Infinity Statue adds the iconic Arthur Fonzarelli, a.k.a. \"Fonzie,\" to their \"Old & Rare\" display statue lineup! Fonzie was the popular breakout character from the TV series \"Happy Days,\" airing from 1974 to 1984; this display piece features \"the Fonz\" in his classic black leather jacket worn over a white T-shirt and blue jeans, standing at his ease next to the beloved jukebox from Arnold's Drive-In. To make this figure even better, the jukebox features a light-up gimmick and a built-in Bluetooth system that plays the famous theme song from the series! (The jukebox is operated by Android/IOS; a USB cable is included.) Order this unforgettable character for your own collection today!


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