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    Kirby: 30th Classic Plush Toy Waddle Dee
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  • Price $17.87 USD
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Kirby: 30th Classic Plush Toy Waddle Dee

by Sanei Boueki

$17.87 USD

Temporarily out of stock. Place an order now to enter the purchase queue when stock becomes available. Future arrival date is currently unknown.


This is a stuffed animal, plush figure or other plush toy.

Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the "Kirby" video games with this classic plush toy of Waddle Dee! He's soft and huggable, and wants to be your new best friend -- place your order today!

  • [Size]: 19cm x 15cm x 12.5cm


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Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the \"Kirby\" video games with this classic plush toy of Waddle Dee! He's soft and huggable, and wants to be your new best friend -- place your order today!



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