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    Tom and Jerry - Action Figure: Tom and Jerry (Mishap Style / Vase & Roly-Poly)
  • Status Discontinued
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  • Price $80.69 USD
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Tom and Jerry - Action Figure: Tom and Jerry (Mishap Style / Vase & Roly-Poly)


$80.69 USD

This item is discontinued and is not expected to come back into stock.


This is a fully completed and painted figure.

Tom and Jerry get brand-new display figures thanks to Soap Studio! These figures feature our favorite cartoon cat and mouse immediately after they've been on the receiving end of some physical trauma that causes them to temporarily assume another shape; Tom is startled to find himself in the shape of a vase thanks to some rough treatment during "Jerry's Cousin" (1951), and Jerry assumes the shape of a roly-poly (from an unidentified cartoon). For even more fun, Tom is hollow so you can use him as a pencil stand, and Jerry will roll right back up in true roly-poly style if you poke him with a finger! Order this set of classic characters for your own collection today!

  • [Figure Size]: Tom is about 16cm tall; Jerry is about 12cm tall


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Tom and Jerry get brand-new display figures thanks to Soap Studio! These figures feature our favorite cartoon cat and mouse immediately after they've been on the receiving end of some physical trauma that causes them to temporarily assume another shape; Tom is startled to find himself in the shape of a vase thanks to some rough treatment during \"Jerry's Cousin\" (1951), and Jerry assumes the shape of a roly-poly (from an unidentified cartoon). For even more fun, Tom is hollow so you can use him as a pencil stand, and Jerry will roll right back up in true roly-poly style if you poke him with a finger! Order this set of classic characters for your own collection today!

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