Actor Sam Waterston was arrested for the second time during a protest over climate change Friday outside the U.S. Capitol building in Washington.
According to the Twitter account for Fire Drill Fridays, a name coined by climate activists that refers to their weekly demonstrations, the focus of the protest was demanding to “hold fossil fuel companies accountable by making polluters pay.”
Eva Malecki, spokeswoman for the U.S. Capitol Police, told The Hollywood Reporter that the federal agency responded to “unlawful demonstration activity at First and East Capitol Streets, [where] forty individuals were arrested and charged with D.C. Code 22-1307, Crowding, Obstructing, or Incommoding.”
On social media, Waterston was captured on video in handcuffs and being taken into custody by law enforcement. “Thank you, Sam Waterston! Arrested for the 2nd time with #FireDrillFriday,” the account captioned the video.
Thank you, Sam Waterston! Arrested for the 2nd time with #FireDrillFriday
— Fire Drill Fridays (@FireDrillFriday) January 3, 2020
Grace and Frankie star Jane Fonda, who began her Fire Drill Fridays in October and was arrested multiple times last year for her involvement in protests, was present on this occasion, but not arrested.
Young Sheldon actor Iain Armitage was also in attendance, taking the podium to urge others to reduce their use of plastic. On Twitter, the young star documented some of his experience at the event, referencing his inspiration, Swedish climate change activist and Time Person of the Year Greta Thunberg.
Happy Birthday, @GretaThunberg – inspired by you! Back in DC with Grandma @Janefonda – here for @FireDrillFriday !
— Iain Armitage (@IainLoveTheatre) January 3, 2020
Today @IainLoveTheatre returns to #FireDrillFriday. His New Year’s resolution: stop using plastic. What is your New Year’s #ClimateResolution?
— Fire Drill Fridays (@FireDrillFriday) January 3, 2020
Mr #samwaterston got arrested AGAIN today (along with several others) for #FireDrillFriday . Iain got to join Grandma @Janefonda and greeted everyone with cheers, snacks and hugs as they were released
— Iain Armitage (@IainLoveTheatre) January 3, 2020
Since Fonda, a longtime political activist, temporarily moved to Washington to focus on climate change protests, she has been arrested five times. Referring to the student activists — including Thunberg — who frequently participate in protests, the actress said in November, “We can’t let them shoulder this burden by themselves, so it’s grannies unite!”
Ted Danson, Sally Field, Catherine Keener and Robert Kennedy Jr. are among the other prominent figures who have been arrested for protesting in the last several months.
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