Toilet-Sink Combo Ideas That Help You Stay Green
The toilet-sink combo is not a new one, although it’s not exactly popular. Taking into consideration the defining aspects of this concept, this is one of best ways to make your home eco-friendly without sacrificing style. The basic idea is that the sink and the toilet communicate with each other and the water that you use, for example, to wash your hands, can then be recycled and used to flush the toilet.
The way in which these two elements can be combined are variate. One option is to have a sink placed directly on top of the toilet tank in order to have the two communicate directly and to actually obtain a single hybrid piece.{found on flickr}.
This design, however, is not the most practical one. Finding a comfortable position from which to wash your hands is a bit difficult considering that the toilet bowl is placed directly in front. Nevertheless, this is not always an inconvenient, especially if space is limited.{found on tinyhouseblog}.
For example, consider a really narrow and tiny bathroom where there’s really no room for a both a toilet and a sink. By combining the two you get to save space, maximize functionality and become green, all at the same time. This also leaves more room for wall decorations.
Consider this particular idea: the bathroom is really small and there’s no way you can have all the amenities in there unless you somehow combine them. By opting for a toilet-sink combo there should be enough room left for a shower or for something else you want to include there.{found on hammerandhand}.
Being eco-friendly has never been more stylish than with the W+W toilet and sink from Roca. This is a combination between a toilet and a sink but the two are not placed one on top of the other. They form a single structure with a beautiful curved shape and clean, simple and modern lines.
So not all toilet-sink combos have that compact look that we started with. Other types of designs are also available. For example, both the toilet and the sink are integrated into a counter here. The plumbing is hidden and the result is a fresh and crisp look.{found on amorybrown}.
Similarly, this design adopts pretty much the same idea. The counter extends onto the adjacent wall as well and the result is a cohesive and continuous design where everything is built in. a pretty great idea for modern and contemporary bathrooms.{found on aegis}.
We’ve mentioned that this combo is a great space-saver. Well, while that might be true, there’s one particular design that’s even better at this. It’s the Vertebrae vertical bathroom system which integrates everything a bathroom needs in a compact and futuristic-looking structure. It has a sink, toilet, shower and plenty of storage.