Free Printable Rainbow Coloring Pages

Last updated: March 5, 2025 by the Homemade Gifts Coloring Team

We’ve put together a collection of our favorite rainbow coloring pages for you and your kids or students to enjoy. If you ask my daughter her favorite color, she’ll proudly say "rainbow." Her room is filled with rainbow dresses, blankets, and even a rainbow unicorn plush. Suffice to say, little ones love coloring rainbow pages with animals, while teens might gravitate toward a mystical rainbow printable, and some rainbow coloring pages even feature a pot of gold!

free printable rainbow coloring pages

Free Printable Rainbow Coloring Pages

Looking for a pot of gold? — Oops! I meant rainbows. You've found the right spot for rainbow coloring pages!

These rainbow coloring sheets are for personal, non-commercial use only.

How to use Rainbow Coloring Pages

These rainbow crafts and classroom activities use our rainbow coloring pages and rainbow printables to put a smile on the face of your students or kids. Try using them to teach the colors of the rainbow today!

How many colors are in the rainbow?

Our rainbow coloring pages are a great learning tool for students of all ages for ROYGBIV and the seven colors of the rainbow.

Put a white piece of paper on the ground in the sunlight. Hold a prism so that a beam of light shines through it onto the paper. Move the prism or paper until you can see a rainbow.

Print out your favorite rainbow coloring sheet and talk about the colors of the rainbow that they can see on the white paper. Color in the rainbow colors and label the bands with each Color's name. Display the completed rainbows in the classroom or at home!

Leprechaun Rainbow Trap

Everyone knows that the best way to catch a leprechaun is to set a trap! Have some fun this St. Patrick’s Day by using our rainbow coloring pages to create Leprechaun traps in your home or classroom.

Cut a hole in the lid of a shoe box. Decorate the shoebox with green, the colors of the rainbow, or any other color that might attract a leprechaun. Download a printable rainbow and color. Cut out the rainbow and attach it to the top of the box behind the hole. Build a small ladder out of popsicle sticks for the leprechaun to go up.

Place the box in your room or classroom as see if you can catch a leprechaun on St. Patrick’s Day!

Rainbow Weather Observation Activity

Our rainbow coloring pages are a great way to start a weather observation unit in your classroom.

Print out our “What’s the weather today?” coloring template. Go outside and have your students make observations about what they feel and see outside. Next, color in the corresponding weather icon on the worksheet.

You can even go out in the morning and at lunch with your little meteorologists to talk about how weather changes over time. Maybe you’ll even see a rainbow one day!

More Free Printable Coloring Pages

If you're looking for more fabulous coloring pages, do take a look at our full collection of over 3,000 coloring sheets here. We think you'll particularly enjoy these coloring page collections:

Toddler Coloring Pages
Spring Coloring Pages
Earth Day Coloring Pages
Garden Coloring Pages
Ladybug Coloring Pages
Sunflower Coloring Pages
Cat Coloring Pages
Unicorn Coloring Pages
Mushroom Coloring Pages Kindergartners Coloring Sheets


This printable is for personal, non-commercial use only.



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