Homer News will run text-only notices of a death (death notice) or Pending Service as information is received and as space permits. These are brief notices listing full name, age, date and place of death; and time, date and place of service. These notices may be no more than 100 words in length and do not include a photo. These are published at no charge.
For a more detailed description of the individual including a photo, an obituary is an available option.
The information for death notices will be edited to a standard news death notice format, which is as follows:
John Smith
John Smith died March 23, 2011.
He was a driver for Alaska Tours and previously owned his own fishing boat. He graduated from Kenai Central High School in 1980 and served in the U.S. Navy during Operation Desert Storm.
He is survived by his wife Jane Smith, his children Jack and Jill, his father John and other family members. His mother Joan preceded him in death.
Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Northern Light United Church, 400 W. 11th St.
For weekend publication, death notice information must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesdays. Death notices received by that deadline will run in Friday’s paper. For normal publication, expect two business days for processing.
OBITUARIES. All other obituaries are paid obituaries. From the time obituary is received and the payment is collected it takes two business days to publish the obituary. They are handled through our classified advertising department. For more information on placing a paid obituary, contact the Callie Steinberg at 907-235-7767 ext 10082 or email questions to [email protected].
To read submitted obituaries, please visit https://www.homernews.com/obituaries/.