9 Ways to Help Your Kid Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Getting kids to sleep at night can be a real struggle, especially if they’re waking up in the middle of the night and we need to go in their room and lie them back down.

In this article, I am going to share nine great ways to help your kid get a good night’s sleep. Being a parent is tough, but it doesn’t have to be! With these solid tips and tricks for sleep time, you’ll be well on your way to a blissful night’s sleep.

9 Ways to Help Your Kid Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Here’s my list of the ten best ways to help your child get a good night’s sleep.

1 – Establish a Proper Bedtime Routine

For young kids, this will include a bath and pajamas. For older kids, this might include showering, brushing teeth, and washing hair. For some kids, this might include a bedtime story. For others, it might include doing a puzzle or reading a chapter book.

The important thing is to have a routine that is the same for every night, and to stick to it. The bedtime routine should start with a relaxing activity, and include a few things that you want your children to do every night, such as journaling, prayer, or reading.

You can use an app or a chart to keep track of your child’s routine. Doing this will help your child know what to expect and what’s coming up next.

2 – Make Your Child’s Bedroom a Sleep-Friendly Zone

Make sure that your child’s room is quiet and dark. Get rid of any electronics (minimal noise) and make sure your child can’t see the tv or computer screen when they’re trying to sleep at night.

By doing this, you can help your child tune out the world and get peaceful sleep. Distractions in the modern world are tough on kids, so you can help them quiet down and sleep by making their bedroom ultra-peaceful.

3 – Relax before Bedtime

Winding down before bedtime will help your child relax. Ideally, you should be winding down a half-hour or so before bedtime. This might include reading a book or watching a movie.

It’s best to schedule a time for this, so it becomes a routine. You should do this every night to help your child relax before bedtime. This can help your child feel comfortable and relaxed, which will put them in the right frame of mind for sleep.

4 – Play Relaxing Music

Your child should have a favorite sleep song or lullaby. Choose a song that they love and play it softly a couple of times before bedtime. Your child will naturally associate the music with sleep.

As you’re playing the music, you can turn off the lights and dim the lights. This will help your child relax and get ready for sleep. The music will become their cue that it’s time for sleep. The more you play the song, the more effective it will be in relaxing your child.

5 – Have a Regular Sleep Schedule

Your child should have the same wake-up time every day, including holidays and weekends. This schedule should be the same every day, including weekends. By doing this, you can help train their body to go to sleep when it’s time because it’s part of a routine.

6 – Turn Off All Electronics

This might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s easy to forget. It’s all too easy for your child to sneak a peek at their phone or their tablet just before bedtime. This will then keep them awake for another hour and disrupt their sleep.

Electronics are a big disruption and distraction for kids. Get rid of all electronics (except maybe a clock) from your child’s bedroom. The goal is to remove all distractions and make it easier for your child to fall asleep and stay asleep.

7 – Avoid Sugary Foods and Drinks

Your child doesn’t need a sugary snack or drink before bedtime. In fact, it’s best to avoid sugary foods and drinks at all times. This includes caffeinated drinks and energy drinks. Keep these things out of your child’s bedroom and out of their reach.

If you do give your child a snack, it should be something nutritious, such as cheese and crackers, or some fresh fruit. Avoid sugary foods and drinks at all costs – especially if it’s after bedtime.

8 – No Late Night Meals

Eating too late in the evening can disrupt your child’s sleep. This is because it can disrupt their circadian rhythms, which is the natural cycle of sleep. You don’t need to skip meals, but make sure they eat a healthy meal at least a few hours before bedtime.

9 – Try White Noise Apps

To help your child fall asleep and stay asleep, try using white noise apps. These apps will help your child hear a soft, soothing sound that will help them fall asleep.

You can choose the sound that works best for your child. Some white noise apps will include a variety of sounds, so test them to see which ones work best. By using these apps, you will be able to help your child relax and fall asleep.


Getting your kids to sleep at night can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be. The ten tips I’ve shared in this article will help you get your kids to sleep, and help them stay asleep.

Take my advice and try these steps. I am confident that you will have better sleep, and a more rested family, in no time. Do you have your own sleeping tips for kids? Stop by our Facebook group to let us know! We’d love to hear from you!

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Kenny Kings

Kenny Kings is a chapter book author who is helping Paul Bellow fill the Hoosier Chapter Books blog with great content. You can find out more about Kenny Kings on the Kenny Kings bio page. Kenny Kings does not have children of his own, but he has more than enough nieces and nephews. With the help of the editorial team, he's been contributing to our blogging efforts to help families everywhere while promoting our chapter books. You can contact him at [email protected].