Knight Fraser East Cambie South Cambie Oakridge Marpole South V ancouver Fraserview East Killarney Collingwood Renfrew Heights Renfrew Grandview East Hastings Hastings East Mount Pleasant East Fairview Mount Pleasant W est Kitsilano Point Grey University (UBC) Dunbar Southlands S. W . Marine South Granville Kerrisdale MacKenzie Heights Quilchena Shaughnessy Arbutus Main Champlain Heights V ictoria East False Creek Y aletown Downtown W est Downtown East W est End Coal Harbour Strathcona

Vancouver West

Vancouver East

Welcome !

Greater Vancouver is hemmed in by mountains to the North and East, by the sea to the West and by the 49th parallel, international boundary to the South. 

Among the City's most extraordinary urban landscapes are the West side's Kitsilano and Dunbar, and East side's neighborhood's streets lines with impossibly tall rows of perfectly manicured hedges that form vertical green street walls.

In some residential areas, such as South West Marine Drive in Point Grey, or around the upland of Shaughnessy Heights and Quilchena, the street wall of clipped, soaring dark green cedar, fir, hemlock, are tightly compressed to form an impenetrable barrier, a kind of regimented, domesticated version of the surrounding rain forest.

Get In Touch

Nicolas Blachette - Associate Broker

RE/MAX Crest Realty

1195 W Broadway 3rd Floor  Vancouver,  BC  V6H 3X5 

Mobile: 604-338-3530

Phone: 604-602-1111

[email protected]