rainbow froyo pops I

Let’s talk about the best snack that your summer has ever seen!

Bright and colorful, refreshing and cooling, cute and healthy. Are you ready?!

rainbow froyo pops I

It’s popsicle week 2016!

I literally have NO idea how this is already here. I feel like I just made these late night snacksicles that we loved so much. For ten seconds I’d like to be transported back there so I can consume those. 

Billy from Wit and Vinegar put popsicle week together a few years ago because he is the coolest ever. He alone is responsible for getting me hooked on making homemade pops. I can’t help it. 

rainbow froyo pops I

Seriously, these are one of my favorite things to make once it gets warm out. I currently have this mini mold in my freezer at all times for super simple Max snacks – they are the perfect size for teeny hands!

Extra smoothie? Throw it in the mold. Not enough room for the orange juice container? Throw it in the mini mold. Doooo it.

rainbow froyo pops I

Sidebars: I totally ruined one of my favorite outfits that I bought for Max because I gave him a homemade blueberry peach popsicle, he covered himself in the purple berry, I thought it would come out in the washing machine and then I threw it in the dryer without looking because it’s 2016 and I’m a terrible millennial who knows nothing. Stains everywhere. Stains set everywhere. Halp me. 

Also! These popsicles almost caused me to lose my mind. I misplaced the lid to my popsicle mold (I have a few but this one is my absolute favorite for photography purposes) after it was in my hands minutes before. We are talking MINUTES before.

I have yet to find it.

I spent three hours searching. I ripped apart the trash and looked under and in everything. Will I find it hidden in the pantry or in the back of the fridge in four months? Probably. And no, Max did not get his hands on it unless he has the power to become invisible. He was in the high chair the WHOLE time.

Aliens I tell you. Or ghosts. Which is scarier.

rainbow froyo pops I

Since Max can actually eat popsicles this year, trashing mine up with candy and pretzels and chips and all that jazz was out.

So I made these! Swirled fruit and yogurt, and ONLY fruit and yogurt.

If you’d like them a little bit sweeter, you could totally add some honey or your sweetener of choice. I think it will all depend on the sweetness of your fruit, and most of mine was spot on. I did add a touch of honey to the kiwi layer to ward off any bitterness, but that was it for us. 

Look at the ingredient list?! Embarrassingly, ridiculously simple. SIMPLE.

rainbow froyo pops I

I wanted to get as close to ROY G BIV as I could without using any food coloring. I actually bought a blue spirulina in hopes to make a blue layer that looked, well, BLUE – and not purple. But it still appeared more green, so I kind of combined the whole BIV part into one blended mix.

It goes:





black raspberry

vanilla yogurt

And yes, there is both yellow and orange in the pops but it’s a leeeeettle hard to tell. The mango layer is super wonderful. The strawberry is my fave since I’m a walking cliche. You could use banana or oranges or peaches or spinach. Whatevs.

rainbow froyo pops I

The yogurt? I’ve made these twice now and did a mixture of plain Greek yogurt and vanilla Greek yogurt. I’m a vanilla freak so I enjoyed that option more, plus it added extra sweetness. Helllllllllo. I am in.

The good news is that you can really use whatever the heck you want. Make them rainbow or don’t make them rainbow. Layer them or don’t! Use one fruit or even two, use different flavors of yogurt – do whatever works with the ingredients that you have on hand.

The extra good news is that they are SO delicious and super creamy and the most perfect afternoon snack. Or if I’m being serious, breakfast.

I had one for breakfast. I couldn’t help myself.

But it’s cool. Fruit plus yogurt = health!

rainbow froyo pops I

Fruity Rainbow Froyo Pops

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  • 3 cups vanilla or plain greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup  black raspberries
  • 1/2 cup chopped kiwi fruit
  • 1/2 cup chopped pineapple
  • 1/2 cup chopped mango
  • 1/2 cup chopped strawberries
  • honey for sweetening, if desired


  • Scoop the yogurt into 1/2 cup servings in 6 separate bowls. Set them aside while you puree the fruit.
  • Add each fruit to a food processor or blender – one at a time – to puree. To keep the colorful rainbow-like effect without much washing, I blended the lightest fruits first so I didn’t have to wash the food processor every time. I started with pineapple, then mango, then kiwi, then strawberry, then black raspberry. Blend each fruit until they are completely pureed, scraping down the sides if needed. If the fruit won’t completely blend, add in a tablespoon or two of water (or juice, coconut water, etc) and blend.
  • Once all of the fruits are pureed, stir them into the bowls of yogurt (leaving one bowl completely plain if you want just a yogurt layer). At this point, you can stir the honey in to the mixture if needed or wanted.
  • To layer the popsicles without the color running down, I scooped each color of yogurt into a ziplock (or piping) bag and cut off the tip. Squeeze about 2 tablespoons of yogurt into the mold in whichever order you desire. Finish with remaining fruit yogurt and some plain yogurt. (p.s. if you have extra fruit puree yogurt, save it for smoothies!)
  • Freeze for at least 4 to 6 hours before eating. Eat up!

Did you make this recipe?

Be sure to follow @howsweeteats on instagram and tag #howsweeteats. You can also post a photo of your recipe to our facebook page.
I appreciate you so much!

rainbow froyo pops I

That chubbabug approves.