What are Nanomaterials?
Today we talk about nanomaterials in nanotechnology.
Nanomaterials sometimes called the single unit size of the order of 1-100 nanometer at the nanoscale.
In nanomaterials at least one coordinate and normally in all three co-ordinated in volume.
In typical nanomaterials, the majority of the atoms are located on the surfaces, whereas they are located in the bulk of conventional materials.
Thus the intrinsic properties of nanomaterials are different from conventional materials mainly ( surface area and quantum effect).
In nanomaterials the substances with increased surface area effects, quantum effects can begin to dominate the chemical,
mechanical, optical and magnetic properties of matter as the size is reduced to the nanoscale.
In nanomaterials a substance in grains on almost nanoscale then the interface area of the material is great increases and enhances its strength.
So the nanomaterials are very lighter in weight. more sensitivity, stronger and more load capacity.
Types of nanomaterials.

1 One dimensional
2 Two dimensional
3 Three dimensional
Let’s talk about these: nano nanotechnology nanomaterials
1 One dimensional: In one dimensional such as tubes and wires.
In tubes here are carbon nanotube CNT and in wires here are Nanowires. Today CNTs are extended tubes of rolled graphene sheets.
There are two types of CNTs: 1 single-walled (one tube) or 2 multi-walled (several concentric tubes).
Both of these are typically a few nanometers in diameter and several micrometers to a centimeter long.
2 Two dimensional: In two dimensional here are thin films and plates, multilayers and engineered surfaces.
Therefore have been developed and used for decades in the field such as electronic devices manufacturing chemistry and engineering.
3 Three dimensional: Examples are Fullerenes (carbon 60).
A new class of carbon material called carbon 60 (C60). In carbon C60 atoms arranged as hexagons and 12 pentagons and configuration of a football.
Some others.
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