13 March 2025
Skills Evolution: The New Productivity Strategy

12 June 2025
Sustainable age-diverse organisations

20 November 2025
Develop antifragile workers
Scroll down for a short brief on each event . . .
Skills Evolution: The New Productivity Strategy

Do you want good – or exceptional – performers in your company?
Exceptional performers have skills, expertise, insight, judgement and intuition that puts them in a category of their own. In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, getting and staying ahead requires a range of skills and qualities that were not previously regarded as important.
This Skills Enhancement Masterclass introduces delegates to skills AND qualities they require to move from good to exceptional.
Sustainable age-diverse organisations

While many experts have quite correctly spoken of the growing ranks of Gen Y and Gen Z in the workplace, one should be careful to write off one’s more experienced workers. Their age – and insight, experience and organisational knowledge are invaluable assets you would do well to tap into.
But it’s important to help this group to manage their age so that they remain ageless. This makes their age an asset rather than a liability.
Develop antifragile workers

With uncertainty being “business as usual”, companies are desperate to develop workers who are antifragile – who embrace uncertainty as a matter of course, who take well considered risks And deal with any failures, who are resilient in the face of setbacks and who actually plan for the unexpected.