
How to calaulate the output power of the hydropower project?

How a hydro turbine works?

The reservoir stores the water. As the intakes opened, the water is flowing through the penstock. When the water flows(Qm3/s) through the penstock, it builds up a pressure (water head H (m)) that strikes the turbine and its kinetic energy turns the blades of the turbine. This process is causing the generator to turns as well, so it can produce the electricity(output power KW).  The amount of generated electricity depends on the volume of the water flow and the height difference between the reservoir surface and the turbines.

The basic formula for calculate the output of hydro turbine

Nt=9.81*Hn*Qr*η1,           Ng=Nt*η2

  • Nt (rated output power of turbine, KW)
  • Ng (output power of generator,KW)
  • Hn (net water head of project ,m)
  • Qr (rated water flow of project, m3/s)
  • η1,η2 (efficiency of turbine, generator)
How to calculate the net water head?


  • Hg (gross head) = Upstream water level – Downstream water level
  • Hl(loss head) =Head loss of the forbay, trash rack, penstock pips, etc

Water Head of turbine

Gross Head (max.water head of plant)
  • Water level elevation difference between the normal water storage level upstream of the hydropower station and the lowest tailrace water level downstream

Minimum gross head of plant

  • The minimum water level elevation difference between the upstream and downstream water levels of the power station under various combinations
Net head
  • Effective head for water turbine working,it’s total water level difference at the inlet and outlet sections of the turbine

Maximum Net head

  • Maximum head of the power station (gross head) minus all head loss of the water diversion system during one unit no-load operation

Minimum Net head

  • Minimum gross head of plant minus all head loss of the water diversion system during the units load operation.

Weighted average head

  • Under the specified operating conditions, considering the power and working duration,the weighted average of the water head of the turbine

Design water head

  • Net Water head at maximum turbine efficiency

Rated water head

  • Minimum work head required by the turbine when the generator is rated output

Water flow of turbine

Unit discharge Q11

The rated flow of a turbine with 1m nominal diameter  under 1m water head .

Turbine Discharge Q(m3/s)

Volume of water flowing through the turbine per unit time

Rated discharge Qr(m3/s)

Flow required by water turbine for output rated power at rated head and speed.

No load discharge Qo(m3/s)

Flow of the turbine during no-load operation at rated head

Speed of Water turbine

Unit speed n11

A speed of water turbine with 1m nominal diameter runner, at 1m water head.

rated speed nr(r/min)

water  turbine steady-state synchronous speed according to the design of the power station

Specific speed ns

Speed of water turbine at 1m water head and 1KW output power.

  • ns-specific speed
  • n-water turbine speed (r/min)
  • P-output power of turbine (KW)
  • H-water head of turbine (m)

Runaway speed(r/min)

The highest steady-state speed that the water turbine can reach when the shaft end load torque is zero

Power of water turbine

Unit power P11

the output power of water turbine with 1m nominal diameter, at 1m water head.

Input power of water turbine Ph(KW)

Hydraulic power of water flowing through the water turbine

Output power of the turbine runner Pm(KW)

Mechanical power transmitted between the runner and shaft

Mechanical power loss of water turbine Plm(kW)

Loss of mechanical power in guide bearings, thrust bearings and main shaft seals of hydro turbines

Hydro turbine power P(KW)

Output Power of runner minus mechanical power loss of hydro turbine (P=Pm-Plm)

Rated power of hydro turbine Pr(KW)

hydro turbine nameplate power specified by design or contract at rated head and speed

Optimum operation condition power Popt(kw)

Hydro Turbine power when operating under optimal conditions

Maximum turbie power Pmax(KW)

Designed or contracted maximum hydro turbine power within specified working water head range

Efficiency of the Hydro turbine

Hydraulic Efficiency ηh

Ratio of runner output power to hydro turbine input power ηh=Pm/Ph

Mechanical Efficiency ηm

Ratio of hydro turbine power to runner output power ηm=P/Pm

Hydro turbine efficiency η

Ratio of hydro turbine power  to hydro turbine input power η=(P/Pm)x(Pm/Ph)=ηm*ηh

Optimum Efficiency ηopt

Maximum efficiency in various operating conditions of the hydro turbine

Water level of hydropower plant

Maximum flood level Zfl max (m)

The highest water level reached in front of the dam when the reservoir encounters the check flood of the dam, which is the highest flood level allowed by the reservoir under unconventional operating conditions

Design flood level Zfl.d(m)

The highest water level reached in front of the dam when the reservoir encounters the check flood of the dam, which is the highest flood level allowed by the reservoir under normal operating conditions

Normal pool water level Zpl.n (m)

Reservoir meets water resources requirements and maintains high water levels under normal operating conditions(normal high water level or Designed reservoir level)

Minimum pool water level Zpl.min(m)

Reservoir meets water resources requirements and  hydro turbine under normal operating, allowed the reservoir to fall to the lowest level (dead level)

Maximum tail water level Ztl.max (m)

The highest water level at the section of the draft tube outlet when checking the flood flow of a hydropower station

Design tail water level Ztl.d (m)

water level at the section of the draft tube outlet used for determining turbine installation elevation.

Minimum tail water level Zfl.mim(m)

The water level at the section of the draft tube outlet when minimum water flowing given by hydropower station.

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Quisque elit mauris, volutpat id feugiat eget

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque elit mauris, volutpat id feugiat eget, lobortis nec sapien. Mauris ac maximus odio. Etiam nec dui id nibh viverra faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non risus sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Mauris non risus sem
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Duibh viverra faucibus
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Etiam nec dui id nibh

Lobortis nec sapie nmauris ac maximus odio. Etiam nec dui id nibh viverra faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non risus consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non risus sem faucibus .

Is the theme SEO friendly?

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While WordPress is SEO friendly by default, not every WordPress theme will adhere to SEO best practices. Clean, optimized theme code is important for achieving the best search engine rankings possible. Quality code and solid design architecture make it much easier for search engines to digest your content and present it to searchers.

WordPress SEO guru Yoast, encourages theme buyers to validate their theme includes the following SEO fundamentals: displayed taxonomy descriptions, excerpts on archive pages, breadcrumbs, proper anchor text for post titles.

Yoast also warns buyers against themes that include: site name forced into title tag, static meta descriptions on pages, static robot tags, use H1 for the logo on every tag, place sidebars above content, hide links in the theme beyond theme creator.

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Some of the discussion will be overkill for new WordPress users. The bottom line is you should make sure your theme developer mentions SEO and discusses why their theme is SEO friendly. And if you buy a new theme and simple SEO plugins like All-in-One SEO don’t work, replace the theme because you’ve got way more issues than you realize.

What level of support will you require?

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Theme support can be available by phone, email, video tutorial, instruction manuals, forums, etc. The theme developer’s workload, sales, and sale price will determine what level of support is offered.

I try an answer all presales questions, but can only do so via email. I do not have the bandwidth to respond via phone.  We also provide instructions for set up in our online forum as well as answer questions from users. We do not provide video tutorials, because well, I hate to watch videos. If you are a brand new WordPress user and you really need videos, then you should consider this and you buying decision.

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Another point to note is that some developers offer no support. sells themes by some coders who have day jobs and they simply don’t have the time to provide forum support. Not only should you pay attention to the availability of forum support, you should also look to see if the forum is answered promptly. In my mind a day is prompt, but a week or month is not. StudioPress won my heart with their forum support. Not only do they answer forum questions, they have WordPress experts like Ron and Andrea on staff to do so.

If you are a brand new to WordPress and expect you’ll need a lot of hand holding, make sure you select a theme developer that offers lots and lots of support features.