In 2012, 70% of the American working population is either actively disengaged or not engaged - per Gallup's most recent report. Active disengagement is costing U.S. companies an estimated $450 to $550 billion annually. Today, business leaders must collaborate with their Human Resource (HR) partners to address these stunning and frankly company crippling employee engagement trends. To effectively engage all stakehoulders, employee collaboration and social business transformation must be ingrained, and championed, throughout the organizational fabric.
I believe that Human Resources is one of the most important functions in business, poised to lead social business transformation and true, lasting and meaningful employee engagement initiatives. In a knowledge sharing and hyper connected economy, finding, engaging, and keeping talent is the only way companies can compete and win. In my book "The Pursuit of Social Business Excellence" I credited our company's success and growth to our ability to cultivate a culture of gratitude and accountability. We accomplished business growth because our company leaders were able to partner with a strong, customer focused, HR organization.
Social media has forever changed the way we work. I also believe that social media has forever changed talent acquisition and traditional human resource processes. If employers are not social, they are becoming more irrelevant. I have written about the death of the traditional resume and traditional talent acquisition processes. In fact, I hired a six-figure salaried director of marketing without accepting resumes, recruiting strictly via Twitter. I also recently publicly announced that I will no longer hire employees into our marketing and services organization using resumes, recruiting talent exclusively via social networks. I believe the web is your resume and social networks are mass references. The very best talent is not likely to be actively looking for new opportunities, but they're social. For this reason, I firmly believe that the strongest HR organizations are hunting for talent, proactively using social networks to establish connections and ultimately recruit the very best talent. So in order to celebrate the notion of social human resources, I thought it was time for me to research and identify the most social HR experts on Twitter.
Let me start by a friendly disclaimer regarding the list below. In the past, I have researched and identified the most social CEOs, CMOs, CIOs, leadership and business social leaders in my previous posts. All of my lists have been both celebrated and scrutinized. In every instance, shortly after publishing my lists, I find individuals that deservedly belong on the list, but were omitted, based on my research capabilities. In case you are wondering about my selection criterion, here it is: I look for experts that have demonstrated solid domain expertise and are actively engaged via social media. For me, being social is very important, because I want to recommend professionals who are willing and actively working hard to share their knowledge. This particular group of HR social experts are a mix of organizational development, HR technologies, compensation and benefits, strategic talent development, recruiting, and future of work domain experts.
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Here are the top 100 most social HR experts on Twitter:
- Meghan M. Biro - @MeghanMBiro
- Naomi Bloom - @InFullBloomUS
- Laurie Ruettimann - @lruettimann
- Jessica Merrell - @blogging4jobs
- William Tincup - @williamtincup
- Stacy Donovan Zapar - @StacyZapar
- Gautam Ghosh - @GautamGhosh
- Jason Averbook - @jasonaverbook
- Morgan Missen - @mm
- Steve Browne - @sbrownehr
- Steve Boese - @SteveBoese
- Trish McFarlane - @TrishMcFarlane
- Susan Avello - @susanavello
- Bill Kutik - @billkutik
- Kevin W. Grossman - @KevinWGrossman
- Lance Haun - @thelance
- John Sumser- @JohnSumser
- Jay Kuhns - @jrkuhns
- Steven Rothberg - @StevenRothberg
- Sharlyn Lauby - @sharlyn_lauby
- Suzanne Lucas - @RealEvilHRLady
- Craig Fisher - @Fishdogs
- Crystal Miller - @TheOneCrystal
- Dwane Lay - @DwaneLay
- Jenny DeVaughn - @JennyDeVaughn
- Bob Warren - @BobWarren
- Matt Charney - @mattcharney
- Rayanne Thorn - @Ray_anne
- Lars Schmidt - @ThisIsLars
- Jeff Waldman - @JeffWaldmanHR
- Susan LaMotte - @SusanLaMotte
- Greg Savage - @greg_savage
- Susan P. Joyce - @JobHuntOrg
- Will Staney - @willstaney
- Tim Sackett - @TimSackett
- Maren Hogan - @marenhogan
- Jeremy Roberts - @imJeremyR
- Jim Stroud - @jimstroud
- Doug Shaw - @dougshaw1
- Daniel Crosby - @incblot
- Shawn Murphy - @shawmu
- Victorio Milian - @Victorio_M
- Bryan Chaney - @bryanchaney
- Tom Bolt- @TomBolt
- Mervyn Dinnen - @MervynDinnen
- Jennifer McClure - @JenniferMcClure
- Shally Steckerl - @shally
- Glen Cathey - @GlenCathey
- Steve Levy - @levyrecruits
- Paul Hebert - @IncentIntel
- Paul DeBettignies - @MNHeadhunter
- Stacy Williamson - @RecruiterStacy
- Alli Polin - @AlliPolin
- Mark Stelzner - @stelzner
- Michael VanDervort - @MikeVanDervort
- Nisha Raghavan - @TheHrbuddy
- Andy Headworth - @andyheadworth
- Sabrina Baker - @SabrinaLBaker
- Jarret Pazahanick- @SAP_Jarret
- Carrie Corbin- @thealphafemme
- Kirk Baumann - @kbaumann
- Salima Nathoo - @SocialSalima
- Robin Schooling - @RobinSchooling
- Jason Buss - @jjbuss
- Karla Porter - @karla_porter
- Chris Havrilla - @havrilla
- Dave Ryan - @DaveTheHRCzar
- Emilie Mecklenborg - @EmilieMeck
- Sarah White - @ImSoSarah
- Joe Gerstandt- @joegerstandt
- Donna Svei - @AvidCareerist
- Joann Corley - @joanncorley
- Kris Dunn - @kris_dunn
- Jason Lauritsen - @JasonLauritsen
- Josh Rock - @JRock96
- Donna Rogers - @DonnaRogersHR
- Melissa Fairman - @HrRemix
- Irina Shamaeva - @braingain
- Janine Truitt - @CzarinaofHR
- Dawn Rasmussen - @DawnRasmussen
- Bill Boorman - @billboorman
- Geoff Webb - @SocialHRGuy
- Rich DeMatteo - @CornOnTheJob
- Kevin Wheeler - @kwheeler
- Tiffany Kuehl- @TiffanyKuehl
- Jessica Lee - @jessica_lee
- Cyndy Trivella - @CyndyTrivella
- Margo Rose - @HRMargo
- Dorothy Dalton - @DorothyDalton
- Bill Vick - @BillVick
- China Gorman - @ChinaGorman
- Neil Morrison- @neilmorrison
- Darryl Dioso - @DarrylRMSG
- John Jorgensen - @jkjhr
- Josh Bersin - @Josh_Bersin
- Harry Urschel - @eExecutives
- Chris Fields - @new_resource
- Mike Haberman - @MikeHaberman
- Amybeth Hale - @researchgoddess
- Yvette Cameron - @YvetteCameron
I sincerely hope that you connect with this amazing group of social HR experts and I look forward any recommended experts that should be on this list.