The Payroll Office is available to answer any questions you may have. The Payroll office is located in the East Building, Room 1501.

Adjunct Payroll Schedules
- Winter 2025 Teaching and Non-Teaching Payroll Schedule
- Spring 2025 Teaching Payroll Schedule
- Spring 2025 Non-Teaching Payroll Schedule
- Spring 2024 Teaching Payroll Schedule
- Spring 2024 Non-Teaching Payroll Schedule
- Winter 2024 Teaching and Non-Teaching Payroll Schedule
- Summer 2024 Teaching Payroll Schedule
- Summer 2024 Non-Teaching Payroll Schedule
- Fall 2024 Teaching Payroll Schedule
- Fall 2024 Non-Teaching Payroll Schedule
Adjunct Employee Management System
- Adjunct Employee Management System - For Active AEMS Administrative Users only
- Adjunct Employees - Click here to Review Your Workload and Proposed Assignments (Use for Active Adjunct Employees only)
Delay of Payment
A payment will be delayed if:
- No appointment card is received.
- No timesheet is received.
Annual/Sick Leave
- Student Aides do not accumulate sick or annual leave.
- Hourly Personnel – Must work 500 hours before they can use annual and sick leave. Annual leave must be used prior to the ending of the fiscal year 6/30.
- Annual Leave: For every 15 hours worked, one hour of annual leave is earned (15 hrs worked=1 hr. A/L)
- At the beginning of the employee's 5th year, for every 11 hours worked, one hour of annual leave is earned (11 hrs worked = 1hr. A/L)
- Sick Leave: For every 20 hours worked, one hour of sick leave is earned (20 hrs. worked=1 hr. S/L)
- Using Annual/Sick Leave
- After meeting the 500-hour requirement, all annual leave must be used prior to the end of the fiscal year (6/30). The Supervisor and the Hourly Employee should work out a vacation schedule to exhaust all annual leave prior to this deadline. Annual leave does not carry over to the new fiscal year (7/1).
- After meeting the 500-hour requirement, all unused sick leave will be carried over to the new fiscal year (7/1).
- After working 500 hours in 3 consecutive years it is not necessary to meet the 500-hour requirement. Annual and sick leave can be used as soon as it is earned
- Annual Leave: For every 15 hours worked, one hour of annual leave is earned (15 hrs worked=1 hr. A/L)
Rate Increases
Rate increases are requested by the department, and need the Chair/Director's approval, the respective Vice President's approval and the approval of Human Resources.
Social Security and Medicare Tax Status
All College Assistants who wish to be exempt from Social Security and Medicare must meet the following criteria:
- Must be at least a half time student anywhere in CUNY
- Must bring a Bursar's Receipt to the Payroll Department in Room 1501E
College Savings Program Direct Plan provides New York families with a tax-advantaged way to save for college, and allows City employees to save for college through easy payroll deductions.
Here are some of the highlights of the College Savings Program:
- Low initial investment amounts
- Low fees
- Federal income tax advantages
- Additional advantages for New York State taxpayers
- Unlimited account access
- Broad eligibility
- Higher contribution limits
- Gift tax advantages
For further information about this program you can visit or contact the Benefits Office at 772-4512.
Hunter College participates in the Direct Deposit Program offered by the Office of the State Comptroller Direct deposit offers you a safer faster and easier way to receive your pay. Your paycheck is electronically deposited into an account(s) of your choice. There is no need to wait for a check to clear, and your salary is therefore available to you in advance of a check mailed to your bank by the College or picked up from Check Distribution on payday.
Employees must meet minimal requirements to receive direct deposit. For further information, or to pick up a Direct Deposit form, visit the Payroll Office, located in Room 1501 East, or call the Payroll Office at 772-4395.
Learn more about direct deposit on the New York State Office of the Comptroller's website.
MCU is a full-service financial institution that offers City employees and Federal or State employees who works in one of the five boroughs a range of financial services, such as:
- Checking and savings accounts
- Visa cards
- Mortgages
- Loans
- ATM access
- Money market accounts
- Individual retirement accounts
For information about becoming a member call (212) 238-3300 or visit the website at
The Office of the New York State Comptroller recently implemented New York State Payroll Online (NYSPO), a service offered through which allows employees on New York State payroll to access pay stubs, W-2s and other pay information electronically. In addition, NYSPO grants employees the option to go “paperless” and to discontinue receiving mailed pay stubs and W-2s. Beginning 9/17/21, you can request activation of your account using the following path in CUNYfirst:
Employee Self Service > Other Employee Tasks > New York State Payroll Online
After you formally submit your request in CUNYfirst, your account is estimated to be activated within 15-20 business days. After your account is officially activated, a confirmation message will be sent to your primary business email address in CUNYfirst with additional instructions on how to verify your identity and to access NYSPO. All employees must verify their identities within in order for NYSPO to be accessible within their accounts.
If you create your account outside of CUNYfirst, you will experience issues accessing NYSPO. Additionally, if you have existing accounts for previous/other NYS organizations, you will need to request an additional account via this process to view your CUNY-pay information. Additional NYSPO resources and updates can be found here:
To begin the process, please follow the instructions on this webpage starting with
Tab “1. Requesting Account Activation.” If you have any questions, please contact University Payroll Security:
The PSC/CUNY Federal Credit Union offers instructional staff members a wide range of banking services. A not-for-profit organization owned entirely by its members, it provides the following advantages:
- High Interest on Savings
- Payroll Deduction
- CDs and IRA Accounts at favorable rates.
- Loans
- Insurance
- Share Drafts (Checking)
- Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) Cards
- Automated Clearing House
- Home Banking
- On Line Bill-Payer Services
For more information about becoming a member call (212) 354-2238 or visit the website at
Federal and State deduction forms may be obtained in the Payroll Office. You may also download them here:
Tax forms must be hand-delivered or mailed to the Payroll Office.