Our School
Westdale, founded in 1931, provides a culture of courtesy, care and co-operation where students are given the opportunity to become responsible citizens and lifelong learners as they prepare to pursue career pathways in a challenging and changing multi-cultural, multi-lingual world. The school culture mixes a rigorous, fascinating and exhilarating academic environment fostered by a highly motivated and enthusiastic staff with a strong sense of togetherness, community, and a wonderful spirit of mutual support and benefit. Westdale students are known to be highly successful in continuing their secondary school excellence into their chosen post-secondary pursuits in academics, research, business, career paths, and life in general. An extensive Immersion programme in French and second language programmes in French, Spanish, Latin, Ancient Greek, and Korean reinforce both the international interconnectedness and scholarly outlook of our school. Westdale is HWDSB’s first International World School offering an International Baccalaureate Diploma. We currently offer two Specialist High Skills Major programmes in Construction and Arts and Culture. In addition, Westdale is able to offer a wide range of secondary courses including a unique Music Strings program and Enrichment courses in English and Mathematics. Our alliterative Latin school motto “Alius Alia Via Ad Astra Ascendit” means “Everyone finds his or her own way to the stars.” This motto recognizes both the ambitious nature of our students and the individual care and attention afforded them by our excellent teaching staff.
Westdale’s Value and Commitment Statements
We strive to support our shared vision by:
- Recognizing that student success is influenced by all members of the educational team and working collaboratively to reach consensus and arrive at productive solutions.
- Treating each other with respect and equity, encouraging students, and building positive relationships.
- Collaborating with each other to develop and support curricular and environmental initiatives, school policies, procedures, and related responsibilities and duties.
- Monitoring and revising our Learning Team Action Plans to maximize student success.
- Working with system and community resource personnel to assist and support our students as required.
- Being role models of school rules and responsibilities.
- Engaging in continuous growth and development.
Updated on Thursday, March 22, 2018.