Register of countries using the IBAN standard

The individual countries and formatting are described in the IBAN Register. This register provides detailed information about all ISO 13616-compliant national IBAN formats.
This section provides an up to date reference for the International Bank Account Number length and supported validation methods.

To validate an IBAN using our platform, please feel free to visit our iban checker page.

In the table below we have provided sample IBAN number as well as country code and account format checksum validation support. IBAN Structure examples can be used to test our service and understand how different countries construct IBAN numbers.

For more information on data accuracy, please visit our data page.

Data updated on 25 July 2024

IBAN Structure & Examples

Country Code SEPA Length Account Check Branch IBAN Example
Albania AL No 28 yes AL35202111090000000001234567
Andorra AD Yes 24 yes AD1400080001001234567890
Austria AT Yes 20 yes yes AT483200000012345864
Azerbaijan AZ No 28 AZ77VTBA00000000001234567890
Bahrain BH No 22 BH02CITI00001077181611
Belgium BE Yes 16 yes yes BE71096123456769
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA No 20 yes yes BA393385804800211234
Brazil BR No 29 yes BR1500000000000010932840814P2
Bulgaria BG Yes 22 yes BG18RZBB91550123456789
Costa Rica CR No 22 yes CR23015108410026012345
Croatia HR Yes 21 yes HR1723600001101234565
Cyprus CY Yes 28 yes CY21002001950000357001234567
Czech Republic CZ Yes 24 yes CZ5508000000001234567899
Faroe Islands FO No 18 yes yes FO9264600123456789
Greenland GL No 18 yes yes GL8964710123456789
Denmark DK Yes 18 yes yes DK9520000123456789
Dominican Republic DO No 28 DO22ACAU00000000000123456789
Estonia EE Yes 20 yes yes EE471000001020145685
Egypt EG No 29 EG800002000156789012345180002
Finland FI Yes 18 yes yes FI1410093000123458
France FR Yes 27 yes yes FR7630006000011234567890189
Georgia GE No 22 GE60NB0000000123456789
Germany DE Yes 22 yes yes DE75512108001245126199
Gibraltar GI Yes 23 yes GI56XAPO000001234567890
Greece GR Yes 27 yes GR9608100010000001234567890
Guatemala GT No 28 GT20AGRO00000000001234567890
Hungary HU Yes 28 yes yes HU93116000060000000012345676
Iceland IS Yes 26 yes yes IS750001121234563108962099
Ireland IE Yes 22 yes yes IE64IRCE92050112345678
Israel IL No 23 yes yes IL170108000000012612345
Italy IT Yes 27 yes yes IT60X0542811101000000123456
Jordan JO No 30 yes JO71CBJO0000000000001234567890
Kazakhstan KZ No 20 KZ244350000012344567
Kosovo XK No 20 yes yes XK051212012345678906
Kuwait KW No 30 KW81CBKU0000000000001234560101
Latvia LV Yes 21 LV97HABA0012345678910
Lebanon LB No 28 LB92000700000000123123456123
Liechtenstein LI Yes 21 yes yes LI7408806123456789012
Lithuania LT Yes 20 yes LT601010012345678901
Luxembourg LU Yes 20 LU120010001234567891
North Macedonia MK No 19 yes MK07200002785123453
Malta MT Yes 31 yes MT31MALT01100000000000000000123
Mauritania MR No 27 yes yes MR1300020001010000123456753
Mauritius MU No 30 yes MU43BOMM0101123456789101000MUR
Moldova MD No 24 MD21EX000000000001234567
Monaco MC Yes 27 yes yes MC5810096180790123456789085
Montenegro ME No 22 yes ME25505000012345678951
Netherlands NL Yes 18 yes yes NL02ABNA0123456789
Norway NO Yes 15 yes yes NO8330001234567
Pakistan PK No 24 PK36SCBL0000001123456702
Palestine PS No 29 PS92PALS000000000400123456702
Poland PL Yes 28 yes yes PL10105000997603123456789123
Portugal PT Yes 25 yes yes PT50002700000001234567833
Qatar QA No 29 QA54QNBA000000000000693123456
Romania RO Yes 24 RO66BACX0000001234567890
San Marino SM Yes 27 yes yes SM76P0854009812123456789123
Saint Lucia LC No 32 LC14BOSL123456789012345678901234
Sao Tome and Principe ST No 25 ST23000200000289355710148
Saudi Arabia SA No 24 SA4420000001234567891234
Serbia RS No 22 yes RS35105008123123123173
Slovakia SK Yes 24 yes SK8975000000000012345671
Slovenia SI Yes 19 yes yes SI56192001234567892
Spain ES Yes 24 yes yes ES7921000813610123456789
Sweden SE Yes 24 yes yes SE7280000810340009783242
Switzerland CH Yes 21 yes yes CH5604835012345678009
Timor-Leste TL No 23 yes TL380010012345678910106
Tunisia TN No 24 yes yes TN5904018104004942712345
Turkey TR No 26 yes TR320010009999901234567890
United Arab Emirates AE No 23 AE460090000000123456789
United Kingdom GB Yes 22 yes yes GB33BUKB20201555555555
Holy See (the) VA Yes 22 VA59001123000012345678
Virgin Islands, British VG No 24 VG07ABVI0000000123456789
Ukraine UA No 29 yes UA903052992990004149123456789
Seychelles SC No 31 SC74MCBL01031234567890123456USD
Iraq IQ No 23 IQ20CBIQ861800101010500
Belarus BY No 28 BY86AKBB10100000002966000000
El Salvador SV No 28 SV43ACAT00000000000000123123
Libya LY No 25 LY38021001000000123456789
Sudan SD No 18 SD8811123456789012
Burundi BI No 27 BI1320001100010000123456789
Djibouti DJ No 27 DJ2110002010010409943020008
Russia RU No 33 yes yes RU0204452560040702810412345678901
Somalia SO No 23 yes SO061000001123123456789
Nicaragua NI No 28 NI79BAMC00000000000003123123
Mongolia MN No 20 MN580050099123456789
Falkland Islands FK No 18 FK12SC987654321098
Sultanate of Oman OM No 23 OM040280000012345678901
Yemen Ye No 30 YE09CBKU0000000000001234560101

FR includes:

  • French Guyana (GF)
  • Guadeloupe (GP)
  • Martinique (MQ)
  • Reunion (RE)
  • French Polynesia (PF)
  • French Southern Territories (TF)
  • Mayotte (YT)
  • New Caledonia (NC)
  • Saint Barthelemy (BL)
  • Saint Martin (French part) (MF)
  • Saint Pierre et Miquelon (PM)
  • Wallis and Futuna Islands (WF)

GB includes:

  • Isle of Man (IM)
  • Guernsey (GG)
  • Jersey (JE)
  • Channel Islands

FI includes:

  • Aland Islands (AX)

PT includes:

  • Azores and Madeira

ES includes:

  • Canary Islands (IC)
  • Ceuta and Melilla (EA)

Partial IBAN Countries (Experimental)

Name of country IBAN Code SEPA Length IBAN Example
Angola AO No 25 AO06004400006729503010102
Burkina Faso BF No 28 BF42BF0840101300463574000390
Benin BJ No 28 BJ66BJ0610100100144390000769
Central African Republic CF No 27 CF4220001000010120069700160
Congo CG No 27 CG3930011000101013451300019
Ivory Coast CI No 28 CI93CI0080111301134291200589
Cameroon CM No 27 CM2110002000300277976315008
Cape Verde CV No 25 CV64000500000020108215144
Algeria DZ No 26 DZ580002100001113000000570
Gabon GA No 27 GA2140021010032001890020126
Equatorial Guinea GQ No 27 GQ7050002001003715228190196
Guinea-Bissau GW No 25 GW04GW1430010181800637601
Iran IR No 26 IR710570029971601460641001
Morocco MA No 28 MA64011519000001205000534921
Madagascar MG No 27 MG4600005030071289421016045
Mali ML No 28 ML13ML0160120102600100668497
Mozambique MZ No 25 MZ59000301080016367102371
Niger NE No 28 NE58NE0380100100130305000268
Senegal SN No 28 SN08SN0100152000048500003035
Chad TD No 27 TD8960002000010271091600153
Togo TG No 28 TG53TG0090604310346500400070
Comoros KM No 27 KM4600005000010010904400137
Honduras HN No 28 HN54PISA00000000000000123124

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