There is a $10 fee per copy of the student record.
IBHE requires a
Records are sent via USPS mail only. (See instructions at bottom of this page).
All record requests are processed on a
There is no process to expedite record requests.
All records are copies. IBHE does not act as a representative of any closed school and cannot release official transcripts or validate/certify any student’s education or graduation.
There are NO copies of diplomas or certificates.
The following is a list of closed schools whose records are not housed with the IBHE: Outside IBHE Closed Schools
PBVS schools that are now closed and have turned over student academic records to the Illinois Board of Higher Education. PBVS Closed Schools (searchable)
PBVS Closed School Student Transcript Request Form (pdf) (fillable-form)
For closed public high schools:
Closed public school records are kept by regional offices of education.
The directory can be found here: ISBE REGIONAL OFFICES OF EDUCATION .
For more information about records from closed high schools, call
For GED records:
Please visit ICCB GED INFORMATION or call
If you attended a school located in another state: IBHE does not have records for closed schools in other states.
You can email [email protected] and we will get back with you!