Track Your Order * required
Track your order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! If you do not have your order number, log in to your account to see your order history.
Please allow up to 24 hours for your order tracking information to be updated by the carrier.
Pending – You've successfully completed the checkout process at Your order has been accepted and will be sent for processing to ensure your purchase reaches you on time.
In Progress – Our fulfillment center or store staff is working hard to fill your order.
Shipping Soon / Ready for Pickup - Your order has been completed and is awaiting carrier pickup for delivery or awaiting your pickup for in-store pickup.
Shipped / Picked Up - Your order has been shipped or picked up, and you have been billed via your authorized payment method.
Cancelled - Your order has been canceled, and you will not receive any merchandise or be billed for the transaction. Your payment method may show a temporary charge, but that charge will be reversed and you will not be billed for this order.
Please note that if you paid via PayPal or Gift Card you will need to contact our Customer Care Department during normal business hours to receive a refund. Please email us at
Returned - We've received your returned merchandise and credited your account accordingly.
Need Help? If you have any questions or need help with your account, please email us at