Version 24.2 (latest)

Using Ignite UI CLI


The Ignite UI CLI is a tool to initialize, develop, scaffold and maintain applications in a wide variety of frameworks. It provide you with predefined templates for Ignite UI for jQuery controls. Ignite UI CLI will give you a quick-start for your next project even if you are a newcomer to Ignite UI and to the target frameworks.
You can create projects and add Ignite UI for jQuery controls in jQuery, Angular and React, executing the very same commands.

Getting Started

To install the Ignite UI CLI:

npm install -g igniteui-cli

To get a guided experience through the available options, simply run:


If you prefer to provide the commands for generating an Ignite UI project, adding a new component, building and serving the project by yourself, you can use the following:

ig new <project name> --framework=<framework>
ig add <component/template> <component_name>
ig start

Navigate to http://localhost:3000/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Available Commands


To create a new Ignite UI application, execute the following command:

   ig new [name] [framework]
Argument Alias Default value Description
name -n app The name of the application. The application is created inside a directory with the same name.
--framework -f jquery Framework to setup project for. The supported frameworks are jQuery, Angular and React.

Using the new command, you can create a new jQuery, Angular and React application. The new application is created in a directory of the same name. Keep in mind that creating a new application inside an exisitng application is not supported.

Following are examples of how to use the new command to create an Ignite UI for jQuery applications for all supported frameworks:
In jQuery: ig new newIgniteUIjQuery (jQuery is the default choice so you do not need to provide the "framework" argument)
In React: ig new newIgniteUIReact --framework=react
In Angular: ig new newIgniteUIAngular --framework=angular --type=ig-ts


To add a new Ignite UI for jQuery control to an already created application, execute the following command:

    ig add [template] [name]

The add command is supported only on existing project created with the Ignite UI CLI. You cannot use the add command before creating a project uisng the new command or using the step by step guide which is invoked by the ig command.

Ignite UI for jQuery templates

Inside the Ignite UI CLI Wiki you can find the up to date table that demonstrates what Ignite UI for jQuery templates are available in the supported frameworks.


To build the application into an output directory, execute the following command:

    ig build

The build command will install the npm packages that the project depends on. By default, it will install the OSS version of Ignite UI but it checks if a full version is required (if a grid component is added, for example) and will swap the OSS package for the full version, after asking you for your Infragistics account credentials. You can find more information on how to install the full package in this topic.
The build artifacts, such as CSS resources, will be stored in the output/ directory.


To build the application and start a web server, execute the following command:

    ig start

jQuery applications are using port 3000, Angular applications are using port 3001 and React applications are using port 3002.


To generates a new custom template for supported frameworks and project types, execute the following command:

    ig generate template [name]

By default the command registers the generated template path in the customTemplates in the global config of the Ignite UI CLI. That makes the generated template automatically visible under the Add View menu, or directly when using add command.


To perform read and write operation on the Ignite UI CLI configuration settings, execute the following command:

    ig config <get|set|add> <property> [value]

Ignite UI CLI stores configuration in an ignite-ui-cli.json file. Project structures created with Ignite UI CLI include such a file as local configuration. A per-user file can provide global defaults in case ig config is called with a --global flag . The global ignite-ui-cli.json file is stored under the current user home directory - usually /home/<user> for Unix and C:\Users\<user> for Windows.


To run the tests for the current project, execute the following command:

    ig test

The command can be used for jQuery, Angular and React projects and it will run the corresponding testing setup. Each framework has a different test environment configured, based on the technology and the community preferences.


To list all templates for the specified framework and type, execute the following command within a project folder:

    ig list


To search the Infragistics knowledge base for information about a given search term, execute the following command:

    ig doc

The command takes in a single search term and opens the Infragistics search in the default browser.


To list all the Ignite UI CLI available commands, execute the following command:

    ng help

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