DNV launches family of class notations on autonomous shipping

DNV has launched a new family of class notations, Autonomous and Remotely Operated Ships (AROS)
DNV has launched a new family of class notations, Autonomous and Remotely Operated Ships (AROS)

DNV has launched a new family of class notations, Autonomous and Remotely Operated Ships (AROS), providing a framework for how autoremote vessels can achieve equivalent or higher safety compared to conventional vessels.

Autonomous shipping, ranging from remote control operation to fully unmanned vessels, marks a major advancement in the maritime industry. These solutions can deliver a wide range of benefits including improved safety, optimised logistics chains, improved cargo capacity due to reductions in crew, increased fuel efficiency, reduced emissions, and reduced operational and maintenance costs. Continue reading “DNV launches family of class notations on autonomous shipping”

Autonomous shipping whitepaper explores degrees of automation

BV has recently published a whitepaper, in which it describes the different degrees of autonomous shipping through two key factors
BV has recently published a whitepaper, in which it describes the different degrees of autonomous shipping through two key factors

Bureau Veritas (BV) has recently published a whitepaper, in which it describes the different degrees of autonomous shipping through two key factors a) the degree of automation and b) the degree of control.

The degree of automation represents the degree of decision making (authority) deferred by the human to the system. It is a way to make a distinction between the human and the system’s roles as the system performs various functions.

What is an autonomous ship?

According to BV, “autonomous ship” is a broad term. Continue reading “Autonomous shipping whitepaper explores degrees of automation”

Holland Shipyards Group to develop autonomous 3D printed ferry

Photo credit: Holland Shipyards Group
Photo credit: Holland Shipyards Group

The Holland Shipyards Group has started work on building the largest ever 3D printed ferry as part of a new project sponsored by France to highlight innovations in sustainable and autonomous shipping. In December last year, Holland Shipyards Group, Sequana Développement and Roboat were designated as winners in a national call for autonomous passenger boat projects initiated by the French inland waterways authority, Voies Navigables de France.

The concept ferry proposed by the winning consortium will be 3D printed and with its dimensions of 9m by 3.90m, is the largest printed autonomous ferry ever. Continue reading “Holland Shipyards Group to develop autonomous 3D printed ferry”

Ports Of Stockholm explores safety aspects of autonomous shipping

Image courtesy of Ports of Stockholm
Image courtesy of Ports of Stockholm

Ports of Stockholm and its collaborative partners have been awarded funding from the Swedish Transport Agency maritime transport research and innovation portfolio. Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) is coordinating the research project, which has the name PLUZ Policy Lab Urban Zjöfart. Other organisations participating in the project are Norwegian shipping company Torghatten, technology supplier Zeabuz, Det Norske Veritas Sweden (DNV), who work with vessel classification and certification, as well as the Vattenbussen AB organisation, which focuses on efficient use of resources and the potential of waterways to contribute to a sustainable society. Continue reading “Ports Of Stockholm explores safety aspects of autonomous shipping”

Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice published by Maritime UK

Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice published by Maritime UK
Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice published by Maritime UK

Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and The Code of practice has been used by manufacturers, service providers, and others as part of their day-to-day work. Many manufacturers have reported clients requiring compliance with the Code as a basis for contractual negotiations. Continue reading “Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice published by Maritime UK”

SmartShip notation awarded to world’s first DP2 shuttle tanker by DNV GL

In order to qualify for DNV GL’s SmartShip descriptive notation, a vessel must be equipped with technological features considered as smart technologies in marine applications in accordance with the DNV GL Class Guidelines for SmartShip CG-0508.

Eagle Petrolina received the notation for its navigation decision support system with route optimisation features, an energy efficiency management system with trim optimisation, as well as a ship performance monitoring system. The 279m shuttle tanker is also installed with SVESSEL, SHI’s own solution to meet the SmartShip standard, which allows onshore monitoring of the ship.

The newbuilding project is a result of a joint development project (JDP) between DNV GL and SHI, aimed at developing a “Half Crew Ready Smart Ship”. Signed in 2019, both companies have since then worked Continue reading “SmartShip notation awarded to world’s first DP2 shuttle tanker by DNV GL”

DNV GL rolls out remote surveys for all vessels

The Maritime Operational Centre in Høvik from where remote surveys are being carried out.
The Maritime Operational Centre in Høvik from where remote surveys are being carried out.

Leading classification society DNV GL announced today that all DNV GL classed vessels are now able to utilize the possibility of remote surveys for some inspections through the Veracity data platform. This means that for a range of surveys, a DNV GL surveyor will not be required to travel to the vessel.

Instead, by using an online connection or video streaming link, a dedicated team of remote surveyors can provide support to vessels anywhere in the world with documentation, images, video (streaming or recordings), and input provided by the customer and crew.

“This is another big step forward in using the power of digitalization and increased connectivity to deliver smarter and more efficient services,” said Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, CEO of DNV GL – Maritime.

Continue reading “DNV GL rolls out remote surveys for all vessels”

New report on the human impact of autonomous ships published by IMarEST

In a major piece of research, perhaps one of the most detailed of its kind to be undertaken into the potential human impact of autonomous vessels to date, the IMarEST’s Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships Special Interest Group sought to gauge the potential impact of self-governing ships and plot out a new course for the shipping industry’s valued workforce.

Autonomous technologies could create a competitive advantage for shipping companies but adoption will vary significantly between market segments. This was one conclusion reached in an industry-wide investigation conducted by the IMarEST’s Marine Autonomous Surface Ships special interest group (MASS-SIG). An initial survey went on to inform a roundtable discussion which in turn formed the basis of a report: “Autonomous Shipping – Putting the Human Back in the Headlines”.

Continue reading “New report on the human impact of autonomous ships published by IMarEST”

World’s first autonomous and electric container ship is one step closer to launch as yard is chosen

The world’s first autonomous and electric container ship is one step closer to launch, with Norwegian agricultural company Yara signing a deal with Vard worth approximately NOK 250 million ($30 million) to build the vessel.

Vard will deliver the 120-TEU Yara Birkeland for launch in early 2020 from its Brevik yard in Norway, and the autonomous electric container ship will gradually move from manned operation to fully autonomous operation by 2022. The hull will be delivered from Vard Braila in Romania.

The project was initiated in an effort to improve the logistics at Yara’s Porsgrunn fertilizer plant. Every day, more than 100 diesel truck journeys are needed to transport products from Yara’s Porsgrunn plant to ports in Brevik and Larvik where the company ships products to Continue reading “World’s first autonomous and electric container ship is one step closer to launch as yard is chosen”

Kongsberg and Wilhelmsen joint venture to launch an autonomous shipping only organisation entitled Massterly

Kongsberg and Wilhelmsen joint venture to launch an autonomous shipping only organisation entitled Massterly
Kongsberg and Wilhelmsen joint venture to launch an autonomous shipping only organisation entitled Massterly

The inexorable race to develop autonomous ships has taken another step forward with the announcement of an autonomous shipping only joint venture between well known shipping major Wilhelmsen Group and technology company Kongsberg, entitled Massterly.

“Norway has taken a position at the forefront in developing autonomous ships,” said Thomas Wilhelmsen, Wilhelmsen group CEO.

“[Through] Massterly, we take the next step on this journey by establishing infrastructure and services to design and operate vessels, as well as advanced logistics solutions associated with maritime autonomous operations. Massterly will reduce costs at all levels.”

Continue reading “Kongsberg and Wilhelmsen joint venture to launch an autonomous shipping only organisation entitled Massterly”

Autonomous vessels – the challenges and opportunities in design

Autonomous vessels – the challenges and opportunities in design
Autonomous vessels – the challenges and opportunities in design

Automation presents a set of unique challenges to designers, insurers and operators of ships. In this article, reprinted from the Shipowners P&I Club website Keir Gravil, a naval architect at Frazer-Nash Consultancy in Bristol, UK discusses some of the key issues that could face automated ships of the future from a design perspective.

It is a truth recognised by many industries that the future of transportation lies with greater automation. Over the last 50 years we have seen huge changes not only in shipping, but in every form of transportation and vehicle. Aircraft now incorporate automation routinely on flights around the world, cars are being developed to drive themselves and many railways have been totally automated for some time. As each step in the evolution of transportation progresses, the human element of control is reduced or eliminated altogether. But what of shipping? Surely an industry the size and scope of international shipping faces unique challenges in the realm of automation?

The background
It is often the job of ship designers, especially those in the naval defence industry, to think ahead and anticipate future technological changes. One could argue that Continue reading “Autonomous vessels – the challenges and opportunities in design”

Rolls-Royce opens autonomous ship research and development centre in Finland

Photo: From left: Director General of Business Finland, Pekka Soini; Director General of ‎the Ministry of Employment and Economy, Ilona Lundström; Minister Anne Berner; President Rolls-Royce Marine, Mikael Mäkinen; UK’s Ambassador to Finland, Tom Dodd; Mayor of Turku, Minna Arve (Photo: Pekka Leino)
Photo: From left: Director General of Business Finland, Pekka Soini; Director General of ‎the Ministry of Employment and Economy, Ilona Lundström; Minister Anne Berner; President Rolls-Royce Marine, Mikael Mäkinen; UK’s Ambassador to Finland, Tom Dodd; Mayor of Turku, Minna Arve (Photo: Pekka Leino)

Rolls-Royce has opened a state-of-the-art research facility in Turku, Finland, to develop the technologies Rolls-Royce and its partners require to shape the future of an increasingly more autonomous global shipping industry.

The new Research & Development Centre for Autonomous Ships includes a Remote and Autonomous Experience Space aimed at showcasing the autonomous ship technologies Rolls-Royce has already introduced as well as those in the development stage.

Commenting on how the Rolls-Royce R&D centre further strengthens Finland’s commitment to developing autonomous transport, Finnish Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner, said: “There is great global interest in autonomous vehicles and vessels as a future means of transport. The opening of the Rolls-Royce Research & Development Centre for Autonomous Ships here in Turku, a maritime city with a history of technological innovation, will help achieve our goal of digitalising the country’s transport sector.”

The new R&D Centre enables Rolls-Royce and its partners to carry out projects focused on Continue reading “Rolls-Royce opens autonomous ship research and development centre in Finland”

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