NTSB report on dinner cruise vessel Spirit of Boston fire

An improperly extinguished chafing fuel heating canister led to a fire on the passenger vessel Spirit of Boston
An improperly extinguished chafing fuel heating canister led to a fire on the passenger vessel Spirit of Boston

An improperly extinguished chafing fuel heating canister, canned heat used to keep food and beverages warm, led to a fire on the passenger vessel Spirit of Boston last year while moored at the Commonwealth Pier in Boston Harbor.

As a result of the investigation, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued four new safety recommendations and reiterated a safety recommendation to the U.S. Coast Guard.

On March 24, 2023, a fire broke out on the Spirit of Boston’s first deck wait station after the scheduled cruise had ended, the vessel had docked and all passengers Continue reading “NTSB report on dinner cruise vessel Spirit of Boston fire”

Flooding and partial sinking of towing vessel Uncle Blue: Investigation report

The investigation report on the flooding and partial sinking of towing vessel Uncle Blue that took place on March 26, 2023.
The investigation report on the flooding and partial sinking of towing vessel Uncle Blue that took place on March 26, 2023.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has published an investigation report on the flooding and partial sinking of towing vessel Uncle Blue that took place on March 26, 2023.

The towing vessel Uncle Blue was towing one empty barge on the Lower Mississippi River in Ascension Parish, Louisiana, when the vessel began flooding. The six crewmembers aboard attempted to pump out the vessel but were unsuccessful, and they evacuated to the barge. A Good Samaritan Continue reading “Flooding and partial sinking of towing vessel Uncle Blue: Investigation report”

NTSB report: Flooding and sinking of towing vessel Jacqueline A

Jacqueline A following salvage after the sinking.
Jacqueline A following salvage after the sinking. (Source: NTSB)​​​

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said released a report on the sinking of the Jacqueline A last year in the Atlantic Ocean, which was due to a lack of watertight integrity.

The towing vessel was en route from Virginia to a Louisiana shipyard, where the vessel was to be brought into compliance with regulations. It began taking on water on 8 August 2023, while off the coast of South Carolina. The three crewmembers, hired for the voyage, abandoned the vessel and were rescued by local emergency responders.

Continue reading “NTSB report: Flooding and sinking of towing vessel Jacqueline A”

Spirit of Norfolk: fire onboard passenger vessel investigation report published

Spirit of Norfolk: fire onboard passenger vessel investigation report published
Spirit of Norfolk: fire onboard passenger vessel investigation report published

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has released an investigation report on the engine room fire onboard passenger vessel Spirit of Norfolk in June 2022. The US Coast Guard received a report of an engine room fire aboard the 169-foot-long passenger vessel Spirit of Norfolk while it was underway on the Elizabeth River near Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia. The vessel was on a 2-hour sightseeing cruise with 108 persons on board.

The crew determined they could not enter the smoke-filled engine room to fight the fire, the vessel lost propulsion, and the passengers and crew evacuated to one of the Good Samaritan vessels on scene. The Spirit of Norfolk was towed to a US Navy pier. Continue reading “Spirit of Norfolk: fire onboard passenger vessel investigation report published”

Hull inspection and maintenance insufficiency led to sinking find NTSB

the capsizing and sinking of crane barge Ambition that was towed by Karen Koby due to a lack of hull inspection and maintenance.
the capsizing and sinking of crane barge Ambition that was towed by Karen Koby due to a lack of hull inspection and maintenance.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has issued an investigation report into the capsizing and sinking of crane barge Ambition that was towed by Karen Koby due to a lack of hull inspection and maintenance.

On 15 June 2022, about 0400 local time, the vessel Karen Koby was towing the crane barge Ambition when the barge capsized and sank in the Gulf of Mexico, about 48 miles southeast of Cameron, Louisiana. There were no persons on the barge, and none of the Karen Koby’s four crew were injured. The Ambition was partly submerged in about 54 feet of water, where it was later salvaged. The sunken barge released an estimated 1,980 gallons of oil. The Ambition and its crane were determined to be a total loss, with damages estimated at $6.3 million. Continue reading “Hull inspection and maintenance insufficiency led to sinking find NTSB”

Doubler plate failure likely cause of fishing vessel Grace Marie sinking

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has issued its investigation report about the flooding and subsequent sinking of fishing vessel Grace Marie on 8th July 2022.

On 8 July 2022, about 2200 local time, the fishing vessel Grace Marie was about 80 miles east of Gloucester, Massachusetts, transiting to fishing grounds, when the engine room began flooding. The seven strong crew was unable to pump out the water with the vessel’s bilge pumping system, and they abandoned into an inflatable liferaft. A nearby Good Samaritan vessel rescued the crew, and no injuries were reported. An oil sheen was observed the next day in the area where the vessel was last seen. The Grace Marie, valued at $650,000, was a total loss. Continue reading “Doubler plate failure likely cause of fishing vessel Grace Marie sinking”

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