European Federation of Inland Ports Annual Report 2024

EFIP Annual Report 2024 has been published
EFIP Annual Report 2024 has been published

In his introduction to the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) Annual Report 2024, President Antoine Berbain, writes:
It is with great pride that I present the 2024 Annual Report of the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP). This year has been one of both transformation and resilience, as we navigated evolving challenges while embracing new opportunities for inland ports across Europe.

Inland ports, as key nodes in Europe’s transport and logistics network, Continue reading “European Federation of Inland Ports Annual Report 2024”

Increase in deficiencies related to ISPS Code noted by Marshall Islands

a troubling rise in International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) related detentions due to recurring non-compliance issues.
a troubling rise in International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) related detentions due to recurring non-compliance issues.

The Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime Administrator has observed a troubling rise in International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) related detentions due to recurring non-compliance issues.

Specifically, deficiencies relating to control of ship access, log keeping, and frequency of security drills have been noted. These deficiencies have led to ships being detained within different Port State Control (PSC) Memoranda of Understanding. Most of these detentions were easily preventable by proper and effective implementation of the Ship Security Plan (SSP). Continue reading “Increase in deficiencies related to ISPS Code noted by Marshall Islands”

ClassNK releases PSC annual report

Class NK releases PSC Annual Report
Class NK releases PSC Annual Report

ClassNK has released its annual report on Port State Control (PSC). The report is prepared to enhance awareness of the present state of PSC and improve future onboard maintenance and inspections as well as Safety Management Systems.

The report includes statistics and data analysis on ships detained by PSC, as well as typical defective photos. In 2023, 419 PSC detentions were reported for 398 ships classed by ClassNK. Continue reading “ClassNK releases PSC annual report”

Performance lists Paris MoU

The Paris MoU Committee approved at its 57th meeting the 2023 inspection results
The Paris MoU Committee approved at its 57th meeting the 2023 inspection results

The Paris MoU Committee approved at its 57th meeting the 2023 inspection results and adopted new performance lists for flag States and Recognized Organizations. These lists will be used from 1 July 2024.

The “White, Grey and Black (WGB) List” presents the full spectrum, from quality flags to flags with a poor performance that are considered high or very high risk. It is based on the total number of inspections and detentions during a 3-year rolling period for flags with at least 30 inspections in that period. Continue reading “Performance lists Paris MoU”

Ship fire safety systems are crucial and must be treated as such

Ship fire safety systems are the topic of whitepaper
Ship fire safety systems are the topic of whitepaper

Survitec has highlighted the dangers of inadequate maintenance, testing, and inspection of ship fire safety systems in a new white paper, which points to an alarming increase in fire-safety-related deficiencies found during Port State Control Inspections and subsequent ship detentions.

In a white paper released at the Posidonia tradeshow, Survitec highlighted that fire continues to be a leading cause of major shipping incidents, accounting for over 20% of total losses, and the most expensive cause of marine insurance claims. While the highest level of fire safety deficiencies in a decade was recorded by the Paris MoU in 2022, and the Tokyo MoU also reported an increase in detentions, with a staggering 15,562 deficiencies reported in 2023. Continue reading “Ship fire safety systems are crucial and must be treated as such”

Paris MoU 2023 CIC on Fire Safety

Paris MoU 2023 CIC on Fire Safety
Paris MoU 2023 CIC on Fire Safety

The Paris Memorandum of Understanding (Paris MoU) on Port State Control (PSC) carried out a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Fire Safety in collaboration with the Tokyo MOU from 1 September to 30 November 2023.

During the CIC, member Authorities focused on compliance with areas specified by the CIC during PSC inspections.

A CIC questionnaire was devised and approved by the Paris MoU Port State Control Committee. The intention of the questionnaire was to provide a supplementary series of questions to the regular inspection process to specifically address areas where there are reoccurring deficiencies with respect to fire safety. Continue reading “Paris MoU 2023 CIC on Fire Safety”

China Maritime Safety Administration launches action plan to prevent equipment failure

China Maritime Safety Administration launches action plan
China Maritime Safety Administration launches action plan

The China Maritime Safety Administration has issued a notice announcing a special safety inspection period to prevent the failure of ships’ mechanical and electrical equipment from 7 April 2024 until 31 October 2024. Lloyd’s Register issued an article to provide details about this period of extra scrutiny for ships entering Chinese ports and shipyards, advising foreign classification societies in China to enhance and improve:
– Survey, inspection and testing during new construction
– Survey of conversion, renewal or repair of mechanical and Continue reading “China Maritime Safety Administration launches action plan to prevent equipment failure”

Paris MoU launches pilot for harmonized PSC on global fishing vessels

Paris MoU launches pilot for harmonized PSC on global fishing vessels
Paris MoU launches pilot for harmonized PSC on global fishing vessels

According to Paris MoU, there has been increased attention on fishing vessel safety, prevention of pollution and working and living conditions onboard these boats. Consequently, the implementation of Port State Control on fishing vessels has become a matter of attention as well.

The conventions applicable to fishing vessels already make it possible for Port State Control Authorities to inspect fishing vessels operating internationally. And quite a lot of the members of the Paris MoU do. Given the accident statistics regarding fishing vessels, but also the increasing regulation of such craft, the Paris MoU is conducting a pilot to evaluate whether it could be of added value to implement a harmonized PSC approach on internationally operating fishing vessels. Continue reading “Paris MoU launches pilot for harmonized PSC on global fishing vessels”

100 ships found with deficiencies with Pilot Transfer Arrangements

Deficiencies found in pilot ladder arrangements. Photo credit: Antonio Alcaraz
Deficiencies found in pilot ladder arrangements. Photo credit: Antonio Alcaraz

Between 10 July and 9 August 2023 the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control conducted a Focused Inspection Campaign (FIC) on Pilot Transfer Arrangements. According to Paris MoU, a total of 1,262 Port State Control inspections were carried out, during which 100 ships were found with one or more deficiencies with their aarrangements.

The Paris MoU is trialling an alternative approach to the regular Concentrated Inspection Campaigns (CICs) by conducting several short targeted inspection campaigns referred to as Focused Inspection Campaigns (FICs). In the coming months more such FICs are scheduled. Continue reading “100 ships found with deficiencies with Pilot Transfer Arrangements”

Guidance on how to comply with PSC focus on firefighting and clean machinery spaces

There has been an increased focus on the proper operation of PSC firefighting equipment and cleanliness of machinery spaces.
There has been an increased focus on the proper operation of PSC firefighting equipment and cleanliness of machinery spaces.

The Liberian Administration has released guidance on how to comply with the recent focused trend of inspection of machinery spaces by various Port State Control (PSC) regimes.

There has been an increased focus on the proper operation of PSC firefighting equipment and cleanliness of machinery spaces. Specifically, the following items are consistently noted by Port State Control Officers: Continue reading “Guidance on how to comply with PSC focus on firefighting and clean machinery spaces”

Revised Port State Control procedures effective from January 2024

The Sub-Committee on the Implementation of IMO Instruments (III) 9th session took place 31 July to 04 August 2023 where, among other things, the draft amendments to the Procedures for Port State Control were finalised.
The Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III) brings together flag, port and coastal States to consider implementation issues, including the analysis of consolidated audit summary reports from the mandatory IMO Member state Audit Scheme. Lloyd’s Register has helpfully has provided the following summary and overview highlighting key outcomes from the session:

Continue reading “Revised Port State Control procedures effective from January 2024”

ClassNK Annual Port State Control report

Recently published, the annual Port State Control (PSC) report from ClassNK reveals that in 2022 a total of 1,214 detainable deficiencies were reported and 313 detentions were made. Issues around fire safety topped the list and worryingly show a big increase over the previous year.

The Annual Report summarises deficiencies identified during PSC inspections carried out in various countries around the world. This report is prepared with the objective of building awareness of the present state of PSC and thereby improving future onboard maintenance and inspections as well as Safety Management Systems. Continue reading “ClassNK Annual Port State Control report”

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