Illawarra Mercury

'Dino Petting Zoo' show taking place at Science Space, Innovation Campus

Brendan Crabb
Updated January 23 2019 - 1:49pm, first published January 22 2019 - 12:00pm
LEARNING: Dapto's Caitlin Young with one of the visiting 'dinosaurs' at the Innovation Campus' Science Space on Tuesday. Picture: Robert Peet
LEARNING: Dapto's Caitlin Young with one of the visiting 'dinosaurs' at the Innovation Campus' Science Space on Tuesday. Picture: Robert Peet

Australia’s answer to the T-Rex, the Australovenator, has taken up residence at the University of Wollongong’s Science Space. 

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Brendan Crabb

Brendan Crabb

Illawarra property reporter

I'm a member of ACM's national property team, covering the Illawarra and South Coast. Based in Albion Park, NSW, I write about exciting, interesting or just downright quirky properties that have been listed for sale, major sales, market trends, auctions and more. One of my favourite aspects of being a journalist is I believe everyone has a story to tell. What's yours?

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