This is quite a story. You will follow the activities of an inspirational choral music teacher, as she travels through several towns in north-western New South Wales (Australia). She has to develop a mass choir of school children for a special concert held each year in one of the larger towns in this area. Partly because of the large distances involved, partly because very few of the students have any knowledge of choral music whatsoever and partly because of the economic circumstances of the area, the challenges are great. However, the audience at the screening I attended found the whole process extremely absorbing, and engagingly told. As well as the leading music teacher, there are quite a few other adults involved, and they too are really interesting, and vital to the success of this venture which she has undertaken for ten years. The interviews with the children themselves are also beautifully handled. Many have repeated interviews as they progress, and there are a small number of them who are featured in more detail to represent the experiences of the whole group, and they are excellent choices. On top of all this, technically the film is very good. You could have expected low budget wobbly hand-held cinematography, but you do not get it. The film is shot and edited with great skill. Excellent.