Don Knotts got a lot of mileage out of his inept Barney Fife character which he played in a series of movies throughout the 1960s (he won four or five straight Emmys so you have to give him credit). Most of his movie rip-offs were forgettable but not "The Love God?" Then and now, the movie is a social satire and a commentary on public morals. I'm not sure that is exactly what Knotts intended but that is what results. Knotts is Abner Peacock, the publisher of Peacock's Magazine, a bird-watcher journal which is in bankruptcy. Osborn Trelaine comes to his rescue with capital to save the magazine. What Abner doesn't know, and doesn't find out until he returns from a bird expedition, is that Trelaine is a pornographer. As soon as he returns to America, Abner is arrested for obscenity. The trial that follows is hilarious as Knotts' famous lawyer lambasts him and tells the country how disgusted he is to be representing such a degenerate. But because he loves liberty, he has to do it. Abner is acquitted and now finds himself to be considered to be a Casanova by every woman in America. His lawyers, his family and the pornographers convince him that it is his patriotic duty to put out a filthy magazine and prove to the world how free a country the US is. "But I don't know the first thing about publishing filth!" he objects. "You're young! You can learn!" he's told. With the luscious Anne Francis as his editor Abner then becomes the front for the most popular sex magazine of all time. Trouble is, while America thinks he's bopping models three at a time, he's actually a virgin and intimidated by women (except the faithful Rose Ellen who waits to marry him.). The funniest sequence of the movie is a musical montage of Abner living the jet-set life and appearing at a string of nightclubs. His hilarious rendition of "Summer in the Meadow" ("by Eloise W. Fetlock") is also unforgettable. Don Knotts never made a better movie and the social commentary hasn't diminished one iota in the over 30 yrs since it was released.