The Adventures of Ragtime is a 1998 film written and directed by William Byron Hillman. Mr. Hillman does not have too many film credits to his name but for those who do know him, they most likely know him for this film and/or his 2003 film Quigley. The film notably stars Justin Cooper (known for films like Liar Liar and Dennis the Menace Strikes Again) and Shelly Long (Cheers). And that is only naming a few! As you may already know, nothing much more is known about this film.
Literally the plot of this film is that two people, Sam and Lester, go and steal a miniature horse and a dog. That is it. Nothing else.
I think the storyline on this film's IMDB page sums it up just right. This film is basically a Home Alone film, but with a horse. And guess what? IT IS NOT FUNNY!!! Nothing about this film is even funny or even clever at that. There are two instances where they try to use poop to make the viewer laugh. And guess what? I SURE AS HELL DID NOT LAUGH!!! There is also a few instances where they repeat a joke more than once. For example, falling down a laundry chute. First of all, it was not funny the first time. Second time: not funny. THIRD TIME: STILL NOT FUNNY!!!. Phew....... Ok..... So as you can tell, I did not find this film funny at all. Fun fact: Apparently some of the actors here were not aware that the animals were going to talk at all. Well, they do talk and I deem it entirely pointless to have them talk. Not only does what they say is entirely unimportant, but it is just annoying. But oh, the kids might like it and they be like ooh pretty animals. SHUT UP. I am not a little kid. Now this film made me question a lot about everything that went on. First, these two people just decide to steal a miniature horse and hope to get a ransom from it. Second, the FBI gets called in on this little incident. Third, for the longest time the FBI are not even aware that they are looking for a horse and a dog. Finally, Shelly Long constantly changing wigs which really bothers me. The only thing that truly saves this film from getting a one star rating is the acting which is surprisingly not bad except I have to put up with that annoying accent that Shelly Long has in this film. As I have already mentioned, the story is not very exciting. But, not only does the film have that story, but also try to have a plot with the father being a busy lawyer. Again, not very interesting.
The Adventures of Ragtime is abysmal. Nothing about it is extremely funny to me. Sure, a little kid might get something out of this but I know I did not.