"Archer" is a cartoon with no redeeming social values...none. It features dialog peppered with obscenities, there is quite a bit of sex and sexual situations, the 'heroes' have absolutely moral compass and there are drugs, drugs, drugs galore. So, it clearly is a great little cartoon to watch...just don't let your kids, your mother or your preacher know you enjoy this show. And, there is plenty to enjoy-- mostly because the characters are funny, strange and like nothing you've ever seen. As for the stories, initially they are about a strange agency which does spying...for money. In other words, they are like mercenaries of the spy world. And, when that doesn't work out well (mostly because all their agents are idiots and have questionable sanity), they resort to selling cocaine. All in all, one of the most morally reprehensible yet funny cartoons you can watch. Just don't say I didn't warn you!