Where do I begin? This show is many things, entertaining is not one of them. The sin this television show is most guilty of is the lack of television. Where is the sandblasting hookers? Where is the heavy narcotic use? Where is the insane fight moments where a man drives his own head into a wall after a coke enthralled night? I'll tell you where, NOWHERE. There is absolutely nothing to watch in this show unless you like to watch privileged pratty twenty somethings have the romantic lives of a middle schooler and then "work" at a used job that a middle schooler should have also as they mostly do nothing but gossip and whine about what melodrama just happened the previous night. It's so boring that it became work to merely finish it, work that was probably more grueling and laboring than any of the cast's "job" at dockers. Nothing quite like watching a bunch of out of touch college kids piss and moan over some lobster sandwiches and rose amirite? If I was to truly review the show cast member by cast member I would need my own column in the New York Times. I wish I could implement a "like counter" to truly have scientific evidence of the casts lack of grasp on the English language. I have talked to carrots with more of a personality than the characters on this show. They think what they do is in anyway "trendy" or "cool" but they honestly couldn't be more wrong. These people wouldn't know the real world if it sat on their face and here they are telling you how "hard" they work. Maybe if these people spent a day in the real world they would realize how devoid of a story their reality show has. It is impossible to really give any spoilers for this show because there is quite literally NO STORY. If I ever serve my country and I have a war prisoner the first thing I would do to torture him is make him watch this entire show from start to finish. I found it truly impressive just how vapid a hole group of humans can be. From top to bottom an absolute abomination I have zero positives to give you. I think it is maybe the worst show to ever get green lit and that is really saying something. But hey! If your friends with any masochists be sure to recommend this one to them.