Horrific, incoherent hack job of a film. Greedy producers bank on the finest actors in the region, and completely neglect the more important aspects of a film (eg. captivating story, interesting and diverse characters, logical process of events etc.). If anything, the music composer should have his license taken away and be sent to Bollywood. The abysmal, grotesque agglomeration of computer-generated french horns, generic clave rhythms, boring string ostinatos and a sound effect selection that is stubbornly stuck in the 80's. The amount of cliché and cringe in this film is overwhelming to the point that I wanted to disappear down my shirt collar. Famous actors mean f**kall when the writers have no idea what they're doing. The tragic part is, being a sequel to a much better film, this movie will likely do just as well, if not better, than its seasonal competitors, allowing producers to cry into more, thicker wads of $1000 banknotes as they scroll down the review section. AVOID at all costs