- (1925) Stage: Appeared (as "Ensemble"; Broadway debut) in "Dearest Enemy" on Broadway. Musical comedy. Book by Herbert Fields. Music by Richard Rodgers, Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Music orchestrated by Emil Gerstenberger. Dances / Ensembles Directed by Carl Hemmer. Orchestra under the direction of Richard Rodgers. Libretto Directed by Charles Sinclair and Harry Ford. Scenic Design by Clark Robinson. Costume Design by Mark Mooring (Costumes for Act One), Hubert Davis (Costumes for Act One) and James Reynolds (Costumes for Acts Two and Three). Directed by John Murray Anderson. Knickerbocker Theatre: 18 Sep 1925-22 May 1926 (286 performances). Cast: Flavia Arcaro, Peggy Bancroft, Charles Bennington, Arthur Brown, Rachel Chester, Harold Crane, Roberta Curry, James Cushman, Marian Dabney, Marita Dennis, H.E. Eldridge, William Evill, Gloria Faye, Helen Ford, Percy French, Alden Gay, Louis Gomez, Conrad Gordon, George Harold, Don Knobloch, Frank Lambert, Edward Larkin, Andrew Lawlor Jr. (as "Jimmy Burke"), Joy Leitch, Betty Linn, Mildred Mann, Burton McEvilly, Elizabeth North, Jane Overton, Josephine Payne, Detmar Poppen (as "Gen. John Tryon"), Geneva Price, Charles Purcell (as "Capt. Sir John Copeland"), Eugenia Renon, John Seymour, Jack Shannon, Lucille Smyser, Helen Spring, Mark Truscott, John Valentine, Marian Williams, Polly Williams, Percy Woodley, Devah Worrell, Mabel Zoeckler. Produced by George Ford.
- (1927) Stage: Appeared in "Padlocks of 1927" on Broadway. Musical revue. Music by Lee David, Jesse Greer and Henry H. Tobias. Book by Paul Gerard Smith and Ballard MacDonald. Lyrics by Billy Rose. Musical Director: Carlton Kelsey. Music arranged by Joseph Nussbaum. Featuring songs with lyrics by Ballard MacDonald and Jack Yellen. Featuring songs by Billy Rose and Milton Ager. Choreographed by John Boyle. Directed by W.J. Wilson. Shubert Theatre: 5 Jul 1927-24 Sep 1927 (95 performances). Cast: Drina Beach, Vera Berg, Billie Blake, Edna Burford, Mae Burke, A.S. 'Pop' Byron, Vivian Carmody, Vee Carroll, Betty Clark, Nora Cliff, Jackie Corrtez, Peggy Daubert, Doris Dellairs, Irene Faery, Don Fiser, Jay C. Flippen, Carl D. Francis, Edna French, Laurette Gilman, Gloria Glennon, Ruth Grady, Dolores Grant, Texas Guinan, Florence Healy, Harry Jans, Carol Kingsbury, Helenya Koski, Hedwig Langer, Val Lester, Edna Locke, Dave Mallen, Raymond Marlowe, Marcelle Miller, Jola Moreno, Ojeda and Inbert, Sugar O'Neill, Alice Outlaw, George Raft [final Broadway role], Wilma Roeloff, The Romancers Quartet, Lillian Roth, Catherine Ryder, Rosemary Ryder, Helen Shipman, Eleanor Smith, Virginia Smith, Snowball, The Four Diamonds, The Little Tappers, Mary Titus, The Phelps Twins, Eileen Wenzel, Harold Whalen, Laura Wilkinson, Rosalie Williams. Produced by Duo Art Productions Inc.
- (1936) Stage: Appeared (as "Frederick Bittlesby") in "Help Yourself" on Broadway. Farce. Written by John J. Coman. Based on the Viennese by Paul Vulpius. Scenic Design by Tom Adrian Cracraft. Directed by Lucius Cook (credited as Lucius Moore Cook; final Broadway credit). Manhattan Theatre: 14 Jul 1936-Sep 1936 (closing date unknown/82 performances). Cast: Curt Bois (as "Christopher Stringer"), Doan Borrup [credited as Doan Borup] (as "Nicholas B. Bradley, President of the Park Avenue Bank"), Charles Burrows (as "A Job Hunter"), Camelia Campbell (as "Peggy Danforth"), Clay Cody (as "John C. Holman"), Stephen Courtleigh (as "Henry Williams, of the R.F.C."), Edward Forbes (as "A.B. Alexander, Chairman of the Board of Directors"), George LeSoir (as "Schuyler Danforth, President of the Mutual Trust"), Barna Ostertag (as "A Woman'), George Probert (as "Uncle John"), Mary Roth (as "Fanny Keane"), Charles MacLean Savage (as "Philip Nichols"), Martha Skeen (as "Miss Oglesby"), William Vaughn (as "An Office Boy"), Huntly Weston (as "Messenger"), Alan Wilson (as "Tony, the barber"), Jenny Wren (as "Miss Breckenridge"). Produced by Popular Price Theatre of The Federal Theatre Project of the WPA.
- (1937) Stage: Appeared in "Red Harvest" on Broadway. Written by Walter Charles Roberts. Directed by Antoinette Perry. National Theatre: 30 Mar 1937-Apr 1937 (closing date unknown/15 performances). Cast: John Alexander, Michael Carlo, Frances Creel, Malan Cullen, Lloyd Gough, Alan Hale, Jeanne Hart, Martha Hodge, Phyllis Langner, Drue Leyton, Elizabeth Love, Robert Marcato, Doro Merande (as "Belle Smith"), Margaret Mullen, Leona Powers, Edwin Rand, Carl Benton Reid, Amelia Romano, Chet Stratton, Joan Sudlow, Frederic Tozere. Produced by Brock Pemberton in association with The Theatre Foundation of America.
- (1937) Stage: Appeared (as "A Gentleman of Uncertain Age, Time" / "William") in "A Hero Is Born" on Broadway. Musical. Music by Lehman Engel [credited as A. Lehman Engel]. Written by Theresa Helburn. Based on a fairy tale by Andrew Lang. Lyrics by / Directed by Agnes Morgan. Musical Director / Music orchestrated by Alexander Saron. Production Supervised by Edward Goodman. Adelphi Theatre: 1 Oct 1937-27 Nov 1937 (50 performances). Cast: Alfredo Allegro (as "A Courier from the Duke of Kinbabbles" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), Hugh Banks (as "Gossiping Guest"), Eleanora Barrie (as "The Fairy of the Sword" / "Gossiping Guest"), Eleanor Benedikt (as "The Blue Fairy" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), Mary Berkeley (as "Duchess of Kinbabbles"), Elizabeth Bilencova (as "The Purple Fairy" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Other Guest"), Doan Borrup (credited as Doan Borup; as "Baron Grouchogg"), James Bradleigh (as "Gossiping Guest"), Ione Bright ("The Armored Fairy" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), Ronald Brogan (as "First Young Buck" / "Gossiping Guest"), Marjorie Brown (as "Lady Kathleena"), Robert Bruce (as "Count Piffledown"), Peter Byrne (as "A Manservant"), Camelia Campbell (as "The Rainbow Fairy" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest" / "Other Guest"), John Christian (as "Antonio, a Page" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), Delancey Cleveland (as "A Servant" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), Clay Cody (as "Gaston's Chef"), James Coyle (as "First Under Cook" / "An Unexpected Vistior"), Louis Cruger (as "Another Servitor" / Gaston's Waiter" / Gossiping Guest"), Muni Diamond (as "A Gourmet" / "Gossiping Guest"), Jack Egan (as "Alfredo, a Page" / "Second Young Buck" / "Gossiping Guest"), David Enton (as "A Prankster"), John Farman (as "Gaston" / "The Proprietor" / "Singing Escort"), Elinor Flynn (as "The Gray Fairy" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "A Guest Who Loves Dancing"), Edward Forbes (as "Chief Steward"), Tom Greenway as "Another Servitor" / "A Prankster"), Anthony Grey (as "Another Servant" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), Mollie Hakim (as "Orchestral Trio"), Charles Henderson (as "An Inebriated Patron" / "Lord Chief Justice"), Paul Jachia (credited as Paul Jacchia; as "Son" / "Gossiping Guest"), Jane Jonson (as "The Silver Fairy" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), Clarence Kane (as "Second Under Cook" / "Gaston's Waiter" / "Gossiping Guest"), Toccoa Lauder (as "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), George LeSoir (as "Lord Kelso"), Drue Leyton (as "Lady Rosalind"), Claire Lillis (as "Gossiping Guest"), Robert Lowe (as "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court"), Seymour Malmude (as "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), Isabel Marlyn (as "The Fairy of Flame" / "Other Guest"), John McCormack (as "Another Servitor" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court"), Lewis McMichael (as "Another Servitor" / Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Other Guest"), John McNulty (as "A Retainer of Baron Grouchogg" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Other Guest"), Albert McWilliams (as "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "A Footman"), Helen Morrow (as "Lady Molinda"), Beatrice Olson (as "The White Fairy" / "A Lady Who Does" / "Gossiping Guest"), William Phelps (as "Zoroaster" / "Visitor's Brother"), George Probert (as "A Gentleman Who Should Know Better"), Janet Rathbun (as "Lady Piffledown"), Harry Redding (as "Viscount Piffle"), David Resnikoff as "Nicolo" / "Page" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Duke of Kinbabbles"), Ethel Reynolds (as "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), Frances Ritchie (as "A Royal Nurse" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), Mary Roth (as "The Bubble Fairy" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), Charles MacLean (as "Savage Paterfamilias" / "Gossiping Guest"), Jack Shipman (as "Another Servitor" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), Lillian Shrewsbury (as "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), Harry Sothern (as "Thomas Benson"), Raymond Southwick (as "Chief Cook" / "Gaston's Waiter" / "Gossiping Guest"), Sylvia St. John (as "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), Minnie Stanley (as "The Black Fairy"), Ben Starkie (as "H.R.H. Prince Prigio"), Lillian Steele (as "The Fairy of Le Rouge et Noir" / "Mater Familiar"), Donald Stewart (as "A Herald" / "Gossiping Guest"), Louise Swanson (as "The Star Fairy" / "Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court" / "Gossiping Guest"), Viola Swayne (as "Gossiping Guest"), Frederic Tozere (as "H.M. The King"), Marie Valdez (as "Orchestral Trio"), William Vaughan (as "Tony"), June Victor (as "Orchestral Trio"), Agnes Williams (as "A Royal Nurse" / "Gossiping Guest"), Sidney Williams (as "Gourmet's Crony" / Other Guest"), Jennie Wren (as "The Golden Fairy" / "Daughter" / "Gossiping Guest"), Margaret Wycherly (as H.M. Queen of Pantouoflia"). Produced by Federal Theatre Project of The WPA.
- (1940) Stage: Appeared (as "Dan Dorian") in "The Old Foolishness" on Broadway. Written by Paul Vincent Carroll. Scenic Design by Donald Oenslager. Directed by Rachel Crothers. Windsor Theatre: 20 Dec 1940-21 Dec 1940 (3 performances). Cast: St. Clair Bayfield (as "The Canon"), Sean Dillon (as "Francis"), Vincent J. Donehue (as "Mike"), Guerita Donnelly (as "Rosemaryanne Fitzfagen"), Grace Francis Findlay (as "Mrs. Dorian, Ole' Contrairy"), Margery Maude (as "Mrs. Sheeran"), Laurence O'Brien (as "Phelim Fitzfagan"), Sally O'Neill (as "Maeve McHugh"), Roy Roberts (as "Peter"). Produced by John Golden.
- (1942) Stage: Appeared (as "Shawn O'Shaughnessy") in "Under This Roof" on Broadway. Drama. Written by Herbert B. Ehrmann. Directed by Russell Lewis. Windsor Theatre: 22 Feb 1942-7 Mar 1942 (17 performances). Cast: Alexandra Brackett (as "Eileen O'Shaughnessy"), Harlan Briggs (as "Mr. Gassaway"), Hilda Bruce (as "Nora"; final Broadway role), John Draper (as "David Warren"), Louise Galloway (as "Granny Warren"), Russell Hardie (as "Ezra Warren"), Peter Hobbs (as "Gibeon Warren"), Barbara O'Neil (as "Cornelia Warren"), James O'Neill (as "Sidney Snow"), George Spaulding (credited as George L. Spaulding; as "Abner Warren"), Howard St. John (as "Horace Drury"), Watson White (as "Sen. Flower"). Produced by Russell Lewis and Rita Hassan.
- (1942) Stage: Appeared (replacement actor; as "Pvt. Thomas Mulveroy") in "The Eve of St. Mark" on Broadway. Drama. Written by Maxwell Anderson. Scenic Design by Howard Bay. Lighting Design by Moe Hack. Costume Design by Toni Ward. Directed by Lem Ward. Cort Theatre: 7 Oct 1942-26 Jun 1943 (307 performances). Cast: Kent Adams, Grover Burgess (as "Cy"), Clifford Carpenter (as "Zip West"), Edwin Cooper (as "Ralph West"), Matt Crowley, Joann Dolan, Charles Ellis, Toni Favor, Dorothea Freed, Carl Gose, Aline MacMahon, Beatrice Manley, George Mathews, James Monks, Eddie O'Shea, David Pressman, William Prince (as "Pvt. Quizz West"), Charles Mendick, Martin Ritt, Joven E. Rola, Mary Rolfe (as "Janet Feller"), Robert Williams (as "Sgt. Kriven"), Stanley G. Wood (as "Peter Feller"). Replacement actors: Hanford R. Bettman (as "Waiter"), Charles Ellis (as "Peter Feller"), Richard McCracken (as "A Guard"), Ogden Miles (as "Neil West"). Produced by The Playwrights' Company (Maxwell Anderson, S.N. Behrman, Elmer Rice, Robert E. Sherwood, Sidney Howard).
- (1943) Stage: Appeared in "The World's Full of Girls" on Broadway.
- (1944) Stage: Appeared (s "Quartermaster Bates") in "Sadie Thompson" on Broadway. Written by Rouben Mamoulian (also director) and Howard Dietz. Music by / Vocal arrangements by Vernon Duke. Lyrics by Howard Dietz. Based on the short story "Rain" by W. Somerset Maugham. Adapted from the play "Rain" by John Colton and Clemence Randolph. Choreographed by Edward Caton. Alvin Theatre: 16 Nov 1944-8 Jan 1945 (60 performances). Cast: June Havoc, Lansing Hatfield, John Adair, Jimmy Allison, Anthony Amato, Adolph Anderson, Harold Bayne, Fred Bernaski, Ann Browning, Arlene Carmen, Paula Carpino, John Cassidy, Vivian Cherry, Daniel Cobb, Molly Cousley, Toni Darnay, Andrea Downing, Ralph Dumke, Bob Gari, Ethel Greene, Mary Grey, Del Horstmann, William Hunter, T.C. Jones, Beatrice Kraft, Norman Lawrence (as "Pvt. Griggs"), Robert Lawrence, Lil Liandre, William Lundy, Marilyn Merkt, Virginia Meyer, Milada Mladova, Dorris Moore, Grazia Narciso, James Newill (as "Sgt. Tim O'Hara"), Alan Noel, Remington Olmstead (as "Lao Lao"), Doris Patston (as "Cicely St. Clair"), Mischa Pompianov, Theodora Roosevelt, Anna Scarpova (as "Dancer"), Alla Shishkina, Ruth Sobotka, Zolya Talma (as "Mrs. Alfred Davidson"), Vanessi (as "Featured Female Dancer"), William Vaux, Chris Volkoff, John Ward, Linda White. Replacement actor: Ethel Merman (as "Sadie Thompson" [was replaced in previews]. Produced by A.P. Waxman.
- (1945) Stage: Appeared (as "Danny O'Keefe") in "Up in Central Park" Lyrics by 'Dorothy Fion Broadway. Musical comedy. Book by Herbert Fields and Dorothy Fields. Music by Sigmund Romberg. Musical Director: Max Meth. Music orchestrated by Don Walker. Choreographed by Helen Tamiris. Scenic Design / Lighting Design by Howard Bay. Costume Design by Grace Houston and Ernest Schrapps. New Century Theatre (moved to The Broadway Theatre from 11 Jun 1945-close): 27 Jan 1945-13 Apr 1946 (504 performances). Cast: Wana Allison, Elaine Barry, Fred Barry, Noah Beery (as "William Marcy Tweed"), George Bockman, Saul Bolasni, Betty Bruce, Maurice Burke, Martha Burnett, Delma Byron, Maureen Cannon, Henri Capri, James Caputo, Jerome Cardinale, Kenneth Casey, Teddy Casey, Payne Converse, Wally Coyle, Leonard Daye, Joan Dubois, Mary Alice Evans, Wilbur Evans, Robert Field, Lydia Fredericks, Margaret Gibson, Joan Gladding, Isobel Glasgow, Herman Glazer, Kay Griffith, Ann Hermann, Louise Holden, Lillian Horn, Donna Hughes, Charles Irwin, Elyse Jahoda, Mildred Jocelyn, Miriam Kornfield, Janet Lally, Joan Lally, George Lane, Rebecca Lee, Beatrice Lind, Bruce Lord, Thomas Lorimer, Ruth Lowe, Phil Lowry, Harry Matlock, James McFadden, Harry Meehan, Daniel Nagrin, Peggy Ann Nilsson, William Nuss, Rose Marie Patane, Sidney Paul, John Quigg, Paul Reed, Kenneth Renner, Hazel Roy, Rudy Rudisill, Claire Saunders, Evelyn Shaw, Guy Standing Jr. (as "George Jones"), Gloria Stevens, William Sydenstricker, Gregor Taksa, Rowan Tudor, Stanley Turner, Watson White (as "James Fisk, Jr."), Charles Wood, Bob Woodward, Natalie Wynn. Produced by Mike Todd.
- (1947) Stage: Appeared in "Up in Central Park" on Broadway. Musical comedy (revival). Choreographed by Helen Tamiris. Directed by John Kennedy. City Center: 19 May 1947-31 May 1947 (16 performances). Produced by Mike Todd.
- (1951) Stage: Appeared in "Billy Budd" on Broadway. Drama.
- (1952) Stage: Appeared (as "Power O'Malley") in "Three Wishes for Jamie" on Broadway. Musical comedy. Music / lyrics by Ralph Blane. Book by Charles O'Neal and Abe Burrows (also director). Based on the novel by Charles O'Neal. Music orchestrated by Robert Russell Bennett. Choral arrangements by William Ellfeldt. Choreographed by Ted Cappy, Herbert Ross and Eugene Loring. Scenic Design by George Jenkins. Costume Design by Miles White. Mark Hellinger Theatre (moved to The Plymouth Theatre from 27 May 1952-close): 21 Mar 1952- 7 Jun 1952 (92 performances). Cast: Leigh Allen, Doris Atkinson, Estelle Aza, Marian Baird, Robert Baird, Buddy Bryan, Michele Burke (as "Nora" / "Singer"), James Capp, Jerry Cardoni, Alfred Catal, Billy Chapin (as "Kevin"), Wilton Clary (as "McCaffrey" / "Big Patrick"), Peter Conlow (as "Dennis O'Ryan"), Royal Dano (as "Jess Proddy"), Ann Deasy, Donn Driver, Clifford Fearl, Pud Flanagan, Dick Foote (as "Sheriff Haines"), George Foster, Marie Gibson, 'Robert Halliday' (as "Tim Shanahan"), Mary Haywood, Anne Jeffreys (as "Maeve Harrigan"), Malcolm Keen, Joan Kibrig, Robert Lamont, Elizabeth Logue, Mildred Ann Mauldin, Ralph Morgan, Jeff Morrow (as "Randal Devlin"), Jerry Newby, Greg O'Brien, Grania O'Malley, Nancy Price, Charlotte Rae (as "Tirsa Shanahan"; Broadway debut), John Raitt, June Reimer, Ann Richards, Janet Sayers, Jackie Scholle, Richard Scott, Robert St. Clair, Joe Stember, Donald Thrall, Tafi Towers, Richard Vine, Martin Walker, Bert Wheeler (as "Owen Roe Tavish"), Sandra Zell. Produced by Albert Lewis and Arthur Lewis.
- (1956) Stage: Appeared in "Major Barbara" on Broadway. Written by George Bernard Shaw. Comedy (revival).
- (1966) Unsold pilot: Appeared in a pilot for a proposed series on ABC to star Dale Robertson called "Diamond Jim".
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