This movie sort of rules. It's not a great movie by any stretch, but it does the best it can with what it has available (read: basically nothing) and I admire its ability to go for it.
A Halloween-themed computer virus spreads across a college campus via an internet meme wherein people are asked about their worst fears. Within 24 hours, those same people wind up dead, seemingly killed by whatever scared them the most. But who's really doing the killing, and why?
This movie channels a tiny sliver of old school Sam Raimi vibes. Not with his energy or slapstick, but in the tendency for his movies to embrace the inherent goofiness of their premise. This is a dumb movie, so dumb it can borderline on self-parody. Definitely dumb enough to be considered kind of trashy.
But then you get whiplash because it stops to take itself just seriously enough that you stay hooked. There's a delightfully weird spark this movie taps in to sometimes, and some decently tense moments. Rarely scary, mind you, but tense enough for a bit of mood. It works enough that I felt like I had a good time.
If this movie were a person, you'd tell it "You're a bad movie" and it would grin and reply, "I know, and that's why you love me."
And it'd be right. Dumb, trashy, bad, whatever you want to call it, but I had fun.