Review of Future Fear

Future Fear (1997)
Don't Fear this great movie!
20 April 2002
If you love to watch bad movies, then here's one for you. Though not quite as great as Troll 2, Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy, or Black Rage, Future Fear is definitely worth watching for all you freaks out there. A the start of the movie, you get to see what looks like two remote-control planes flying through a desert. At least I thought they were remote control. It turns out that they're supposed to be real! That's where the fun begins. Soon you find out about the confusing plot involving the rights of cloned fetuses, who one of the main characters loves with a mother's passion. Then you'll get to see the bad-guy' fortress, which on the inside looks just like any old office building, and numerous other details. Overall, the acting is abysmal, the plot is nonexistant, and the special effects are a sin on all of humanity--which leaves you with a fine film indeed. Watch it as soon as possible!
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