Unbreakable (2000)
Who Knew?
20 July 2001
I remember this movie being at the theaters. I remember seeing commercial previews for it. I never once, though, had any idea what the movie was about. All I ever heard was that it was unusual.

Finally, a week or two ago, a friend watched Unbreakable at another friend's house and recommended it to me as he is familiar with my taste in movies. I rented it last night, and am quite impressed. I was only told that it was about comic book superheroes and had no clue what direction it would take given the personnel.

About the movie: it was fantastic. The cinematography was so superbly done that even the infrequent movie-goer will be able to appreciate it. The ending was the masterpiece of the plot, being completely unpredictable without being ridiculous.

I am impressed.
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