Mark Harmon, as the President, gives his usual wooden performance, which is the worst part of this otherwise entertaining film, worth an hour and a half of your time on a very slow day. Mandy Moore is a
decorative presidential daughter, an aspiring party girl though she implausibly ends up at Harvard. Matthew Goode (as her undercover minder) and Jeremy Piven and Annabella Sciorra as secret agent partners who begin as dueling personalities and predictably fall in love make this movie utterly painless. Maybe too much nakedness for PG-13 but certainly not an R.
decorative presidential daughter, an aspiring party girl though she implausibly ends up at Harvard. Matthew Goode (as her undercover minder) and Jeremy Piven and Annabella Sciorra as secret agent partners who begin as dueling personalities and predictably fall in love make this movie utterly painless. Maybe too much nakedness for PG-13 but certainly not an R.