Futurama (1999– )
Futurama - One of God's Gift to Animation.
8 December 2004
Looking for the a comedy cartoon with perfectly timed humor and characters that you actually want to meet and/or grope? Then Futurama is for you.

Whether you're looking for Science, Fiction, or Science Fiction, you're in for a treat as Fry, Leela, Bender, the Professor, Amy, Hermes, and to a much lesser extent Dr. Zoidberg travel through time and space to deliver/battle/mate with creatures/aliens/humanoid alien creatures from the past/future.

Let's just say that if I had the choice between living and watching Futurama repeatedly for an eternity in purgatory, you would never see me again.

10/10, 5/5, 1/1, *****/*****
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