Battle B-Daman (2002–2005)
It's A Beyblade Rip-off
5 July 2005
I don't like BB, or this show. But it doesn't take a fan to realize, this is clearly a rip-off of this show. This show came out of nowhere one day, and I have little idea what it's about, and I frankly don't even care. Not only is this a really bad imitation, it's also comprise of the Worst Voice Cast, Ever in a dubbed Anime. Sure, hearing familiar VA's/VAC's is a common thing. Even though not all of them are terrific actors, it usually doesn't bother me so much to hear old VA's/VAC's. When I watch this show, I feel like I'm watching Digimon, all over again Brian Backok, Mona Marshall, Dave Whittenburg, I'm sure Brianne Siddal is there somewhere, I've heard Mimi, ugh. Truly terrible casting choices. No surprise seeing as it's coming from Teri-Lei O'mally (Who should have known better) And even though copying one style of a show is also common in Anime, this is perhaps the worst I have ever seen. It is confusingly similar to Beyblade. And I mean confusing. The only difference is they battle w/beads, instead of tops. The Animation is hardly worth to look at. Most of the main characters are Chibi style, and are rather repulsive. The only slight redemtion is the classic "Sibling Search" I love that. Other than that this show is Truly awful, and not worth the time to watch. Get if off the air ASAP, b/c there are better shows, than this.
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