Pretty sets. Not much else.
19 July 2007
I had high hopes for this one since I love reading biographies. Granted that not everything is accurate nor can be fit into a movie we can only make do with what is presented in this case an overlong rock and roll video that has pretty sets and costumes. Marie Antionette came off a little slow and boring though life in the French Court and it's protocols were very amusing to quote MA in the dressing scene "This is ridiculous." Sofia Coppola could've have focused a little more on MA's loneliness in a lousy marriage and the court intrigues and a little less on the extravagant shopping sprees. What is surprising is the infamous Necklace Affair wasn't even included since most modern historians agree MA was innocent from that scandal. Acting wise Kirsten Dunst pulled off a difficult job of playing a childlike queen upfront but a woman who suffered humiliation behind the scenes however it is Rose Byrne who stole the show (along with the sets, costumes and the yummy cakes) as the Duchesse de Polignac a role she plays with believable aplomb. Asia Argento looked a little old for Madame Du Barry and Mary Nighy is nice as the Princesse Lamballe, another unfortunate victim of the Revolution. Jason Shwartzman plays a rather stiff Louis XVI while Jamie Dorman is hot as Count Axel Fersen. Everyone else like Judy Davis, Shirley Henderson and Molly Shannon had nothing to do but gossip and look silly. Marianne Faithful floored me with her regal Maria Therese. In the end the movie was a little shallow and the rock and roll soundtrack seemed out of place. It was like watching a 80's music video.
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