The Legend of Zelda (1986 Video Game)
One of the first games I got when I first got the Nintendo system.
6 January 2009
Yes, this game was a bit ground breaking in its day. An action game like no other I had played at the time as it was the first game I could save in and stop playing and pick up the game at another time where I had left off. It was also the first game I had personally played that had ending credits. It was also relatively simple to pick up on as I was rather young when I first played it. The story is rather simple, a boy named Link goes on a quest to save the princess Zelda from the evil Ganon by collecting pieces of an object known as the triforce. He goes through numerous dungeons to find the pieces and also must traverse a very large over world filled with many monsters and locales such as desert, sea, and cemeteries. He receives help from various people including an old man who provides him with a wooden sword to begin his quest. You also have grouches who proceed to take your money if you damage their door. You are also given life by faeries. The combat is simple for the most part, strike your enemies down with your sword. You usually collect objects in dungeons that help you continue further in your quest all the way to Death Mountain. The game could use a bit more depth and the enemies get rather annoying near the end, however this game was a game I could not put down when I first got it to the point I saw that screen shift when I would first go to bed after playing it so much.
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