SPOILER ALERT -- SPOILER ALERT -- I realize I'm in an extreme minority, but I found this movie mind-numbingly tedious and boring. I've enjoyed lots of "artistic films" over the years, including Bergman and Fellini, but this was just awful. To equate people sitting and staring at each other with some sort of "art" is just absurd. Almost nothing happens in this movie, the characters are mostly unlikable and annoying, and there's not even an ounce of suspense (similar to Alfred Hitchcock? give me a break!). Maybe I just don't get Polish art films. I certainly didn't get this one. What actually does happen? A guy wearing dark glasses boards a train. A girl is in his compartment and refuses to leave it. He tries to have her kicked out, then suddenly changes his mind and lets her stay, even though he "wanted to be alone." For most of the movie, these two characters sit and stare at each other, or mutter a few words at each other. Someone else on the train has read a newspaper account of a recent murder, so I guess we're supposed to say, "Hey, gee, could one of these people be the murderer?" Why? No reason at all. For a really long time nothing else happens (of any importance). SPOILER ALERT * * * Then, suddenly, late in the movie, the train stops unexpectedly and a bunch of cops board the train, looking for "the murderer." Why? Don't know. They seem to think the murderer is in the compartment where the girl and the guy are. So they find him and take him into custody. But the girl says some other man originally had that compartment. The cops immediately decide to search for the "other man." This other man runs. They chase him. He jumps off of the train and everybody chases him. They catch him. Movie ends, right? Not on your life. Everybody gets back on the train, and again nothing happens. At this point I was tearing out my hair by the roots -- WILL THIS EVER END??? After nothing else happens for a while, the train stops and everyone gets off. The End. I absolutely do not understand how anyone could've watched this movie and been anything but bored out of their minds.