POURQUOI PERSONNE ME CROIT This is a crime genre film; a scientist is killed, allegedly by his own kid. It's also a children's film; it's they that help establish the boy's innocence. All this is not new but gradually we find the denouement bursting at the seams and launching an indictment of the world of elders. Kids as moral agents, knights of justice. Initially based on finger prints, the police name the boy as the culprit. Having done so, the entire system- police, judiciary, media, psychologists, neighbors and even the mother- interpret every subsequent happening or finding as reinforcement of the boy's guilt. It never strikes any one to think of other possibilities. The job of finding the true criminal falls on the kids. We have Kevin, the street cleaning boy of an insensitive father, who keeps loading his wife with children and who make Kevin to work to sustain the family. There is a computer-geek whose single parent mom keeps dating and mating, only to get heart broken and consoled by her son. His trusting girlfriend, daughter of conservative parents who gave evidence against the boy and a sympathetic step-sister complete the team. The way these pass thru all the odds against them is no doubt a modern fairy tale. Here every clue leading to the truth gets destroyed by the machinations of the true killers and the closed mind of the system. The investigators too, looking righteous or self-righteous eventually turn out to be either evil or end up supporting injustice. These, added to the quick pace of the film keeps the viewers teased and tensed. What saves the boy at the end is a chance video chat. The site aptly named 'true love' exposes graphically the murderer and his motives. Thus, in this world of adults conforming to make-beliefs, it is the kids who have the key to truth, opened with true love. Final scene is touching. Asking to be alone, the boy takes a look at his dad's face in his mobile and slowly lets a tear down. At last he's free to mourn his loss in peace. The film is intended only to be a fast paced entertaining thriller with kids in action. But it rises high enough to touch our conscience.
Review of No One Believes Me
No One Believes Me
(2013 TV Movie)
Crime thriller where the kids find the truth when elders fail
20 November 2014