Action B-movie
13 September 2015
I am not sure if this movie ever was in theaters, but it seems like the kind of thing that would be straight to DVD, or perhaps cable TV. I wouldn't say there was a complete lack of effort in making this movie, but for the most part it's predictable and not very good. But the movie does try to take itself seriously, and it's almost laughable at times. For instance, I think the actors probably had trouble keeping a straight face when saying some of their lines - the typical action movie tough guy lines from all those bad 80's movies. I did still manage to finish watching the movie; it wasn't awful and if you just want some mindless action, it's doable. I think where it falls short especially though is in terms of the plot. It appeared to me the plot was mostly just there for convenience to string together the action sequences that make up the core of the movie - not a lot of plot development or much change in setting. Some of the action was pretty satisfying, but it mostly looked staged and unrealistic, like sprays of bullets that constantly miss their target. I noticed when watching this, several of the make actors looked like they had raging hangovers, I imagine they were getting hammered in the evenings and not taking their work too seriously. I think the ratings for this movie will drop over time.
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