supernatural self-help spirituality
23 December 2015
Dan Millman (Scott Mechlowicz) is an University gymnast haunted by fears and close to qualifying for the Olympics. He's reckless hard-partying young man. After a nightmare, he goes running and encounters gas station attendant Socrates (Nick Nolte) who may have supernatural powers. Socrates asks him "Are you happy?" He also meets Joy (Amy Smart) at the station. Dan accepts Socrates' offer to train him as a real warrior.

Nick Nolte as a spiritual guide is mind-bender. Scott Mechlowicz is OK as a brash young man but Paul Wesley could be better. He doesn't have the likability when he acts like a douche. There is a lot of zen spiritual self-help Miyagi stuff being spewed but it overwhelms the movie at times. I don't particularly like the lead character and I don't particularly get the message from this message movie. It exists and yet it doesn't.
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