This woman is the latest disaster to come from the Melissa McCarthy/Amy Schumer school of "comedy": hostile, strident, but not at all funny. Hostility and stridency I can overlook in a comedian who is truly funny, but there's not a laugh in sight here. The attempts at political humor completely lack imagination or originality; Ms. Bee carefully toes the accepted liberal line and seems to lack the guts to voice any idea outside the predictable Hollywood political script. All of this is a damned shame, as a fresh witty voice would be SO welcome in this dismal election year, and I always root for female comedians to smash the "girls aren't funny" stereotype. Ms. Bee was given the perfect opportunity to succeed on both counts, but wholly fails to rise to the occasion. She's trying for edgy, but ends up merely annoying.
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Unfunny, and not nearly as clever as she thinks she is
1 July 2016