The BFG (2016)
I fell asleep in the Cinema watching this
30 July 2016
Took the kids to watch this, 3 of the kids (around 9 to 11 years of age) enjoyed it, while 2 of the kids(5 and 6 respectively) and myself (in my 30s) fell asleep.

The girl's acting is awful and the plot was tedious and the lack of suspense, mystery and magic made this a poor film to watch

However, some of the cinematic scenes, particularly the land of dreams were magical and the best part of the film.

The older kids loved the weird green drink that brings about gastric in a massive way

Overall, a very boring film which I wouldn't bother watching at the cinema but it's not a bad film if it's on the telly or if you have 10 to 11 year olds watching it
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