Review of Day 5

Day 5 (2016–2017)
Starts Slow, Leaves A Lot of Loose Ends, But Intriguing As Hell...
19 September 2016
"Day 5" is an intriguing little apocalyptic horror/sci-fi/thriller/dark comedy, that must have been released onto some online platform, because I'm not exactly sure where it first aired (I downloaded it).

Though, it seems to have been shot, and take place, in Texas.

It's basic premise centers around the sudden onset of an apocalyptic phenomenon, whereby- for some unknown reason- every living and breathing thing on Earth, ends up fully and completely dead...if it happens to fall asleep.

We follow a number of survivors, as they wander through the streets of Texas, warding off sleep by any means necessary. They are struggling to figure out what the hell just happened...while trying to retain their sleep-deprived sanity...and not die.

This main group of survivors includes a pilot; a drug addict and his young friend; a radiologist and one of the members of her crew; an insomniac and the woman he adores; a couple who received a "warning call" prior to the onset of the phenomenon; that woman's brother; and one of his D&D playing friends- along with a few other groups, and individuals they happen to cross paths with along their way.

Not only are they each, individually, battling the onset of sleep; they are collectively working together to try and figure out what, in fact, is really going on. Eventually, they manage to deduce Dallas to be ground zero- based on the location of the "warning call" and how the phenomenon spread.

Now, they must navigate a world inhabited by a bunch of insane, sleep deprived, self mutilating psychopaths- who are hellbent on killing everyone they come into contact with.

Not everyone is bad though, and those who have survived thus far, are starting to look like the "chosen ones"- whose purpose is to repopulate the Earth....granted they can survive the psychopaths, and make it to the 5th day, that is...

The introductory season of this series is only 6 episodes long.

The first couple episodes start off a bit slow, but it picks up as things move along, and by the end, you are right into it... trying to figure out what is going on for yourself!?

However, by the end of the 6th episode, you aren't any closer to piecing things together or understanding the truth behind the mystery.

In fact, it ends so abruptly, with a whole lot of loose ends: like what happens to the insomniac guy who can't fall asleep?; who the sniper woman actually is- and what her role in these events truly are?; what happens to the pilot, radiologist, and drug addict dude; what becomes of those they meet along the way, as they seek out an answer or cure to whatever the hell is going on...or whatever the hell is ailing them...

This is all a bit frustrating, but f*ck if I'm not anxious as hell for the next season to begin already- so I can become privy to what is happening in this topsy turvy world of the pre-to-post apocalypse.

Overall, I really enjoy the concept of this series, and there is just enough gore to keep the horror buff in me satisfied. I'm fully stoked for the next season to begin so that we can all learn more and see where it's going to lead.

Fans of shows (that slowly reveal elements of their plot lines over multiple seasons) like The Returned (FRA/US-remake) or The Kettering Incident (AUS), will surely enjoy this series. Definitely recommended!

7.5 out of 10 (a rating that will surely go up, as loose ends are tied up in future seasons).
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