Review of Bad Moms

Bad Moms (2016)
One of the funniest movies of the year and one that men and women will both love plus the message doesn't get lost in the comedy.
1 November 2016
"In this day and age it's impossible to be a good mom." Amy (Kunis) is doing her best to juggle being a mom and having a career. Things begin to pile up and finally hits a breaking point when she is asked to be on a PTA board. Now, taking back control of her life her and her new friends stand up to Gwendolyn (Applegate) and the other perfect moms and let everyone know that it's OK not to be perfect. This is a movie I was was hoping would be funny, but being a guy I wasn't the target audience and wasn't sure if I would relate. I was wrong. This movie is hilarious regardless of what sex your are and being a single dad I can also relate to some of what was being said. At the risk of sounding chauvinistic (which is not my intention) this is a raunchy male sex comedy starring women. The thing this has going for it over most movies like this is that the message doesn't get lost in the comedy and really helps add to the overall enjoyment of this. Overall, one of the funniest movies of the year and one that men and women will both love. That is hard to do in a movie like this. I give this an A.
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