Almost Adults (2016)
Consistently Insipid from Start to Finish (so it has that going for it)
7 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I should preface many of my reviews by saying that I swear that I'm not out to be snarky; I just want to remember how bad these movies are so that I don't somehow forget and try to watch them again.

With a few small changes this could be a hilarious horror movie parody called "Escaped Project from a Sophomore Film Class." Or maybe it's from gender studies…is that even a thing? But alas, they don't have enough of a sense of humor to se this potential so what this really turned out to be was "Girls, The Movie" which was "Sex and the City for Younger Idiots." I couldn't imagine people that I could care even less about, even less than the self-centered nitwits from Girls.

Can film makers please stop making us read text messages in movies? Just send me the entire film in the form of a Tweet to save me the effort and time of fast-forwarding through this snorer. There wasn't a single scene that didn't make me uncomfortable because it was stupid.

Bad music, bad acting, and scenes of young dorks doing stuff that only morons do. Seriously, who has ever played beer pong except dorks? Seriously, parents should explain to their children that drinking alcohol is a big part of adult life so don't turn it into a children's game.

And then there is their lame-ass "newfound" sexuality. You just know that gay,lesbian, trans-gender, or straight they are really lousy at it and they would rather jerk-off on their cell phones than get naked with anyone. And having a gay guy as your personal pet is just the coolest thing in the world, just like on SATC.
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